Hasaan Khawar
Hasaan Khawar is an international development and public policy professional. He is a former civil servant belonging to Pakistan Administrative Service and has also worked with two Fortune 500 corporations. With diverse professional experience in a mix of public and private sectors including B2B, B2G and G2G settings, he has project experience in Pakistan, USA, Korea, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. He has worked as the Lead Advisor for Ministry of Planning, Development and Reform’s flagship reform program with UNDP, aimed at reform and innovation in service delivery and improved public sector performance. He is an MBA from Washington University in St. Louis, USA. With other academic qualifications in engineering and training in law, his key areas of work include governance & institutional development; economic growth and private sector development in the context of public sector reforms. He is a regular contributor to Express Tribune, one of the leading national English dailies in Pakistan, and writes on public policy issues.