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Hungary Progress Report 2013-2014 – For Public Comment

In January and February 2015, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) will present for public comment 8 progress reports of countries whose first official year of OGP action plan implementation began on 1 July 2013 and closed on 30 June 2014. The IRM reports cover implementation of the Action Plan for each country during this first year.

In Hungary, Budapest Institute for Policy Analysis carried out the research. Their findings:

Hungary focused on initiatives that complemented its existing anti-corruption program. They had a fairly high rate of completion. Initially, stakeholders welcomed the collaborative process, but mid-way through the process, larger political issues relevant to OGP led to a breakdown. If the OGP process is going to be strong, Hungary will need to continue to enhance cooperation and use OGP to address big picture issues, including corruption and operating space for civil society groups.

The entire report is available in English and Hungarian using the links on this page.

The OGP invites all stakeholders to make comments on the draft document to ensure that the final version represents all possible perspectives. Those interested can comment below or send more substantial comments to The comments made during this stage will be published alongside the final report. In addition, where relevant, comments will be integrated into the final version of the report.


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