Core Eligibility
Core Eligibility is determined by evaluations of countries’ performance in four critical areas of open government: Fiscal Transparency, Access to Information, Asset Disclosure, and Citizen Engagement. Countries can earn up to four points for their performance in each of these metrics, for a total of 16 points. As some of the metrics do not cover all countries, some countries are only measured on three criteria (and can earn up to 12 points). If a country only has two or one criteria available, they are marked as “Not enough data” in the Eligibility Score Sheet. To pass the Core Eligibility criteria, countries must earn at least 75% of the total possible points available to them (either 12 out of 16 or 9 out of 12).
Countries not assessed in any of the Core Eligibility metrics, or those with recent updates not yet reflected in the OGP Eligibility Database, are encouraged to provide additional information to the Support Unit. Any such information will be assessed independently by subject matter experts who will evaluate the submitted documents and evidence for participation to ensure that all OGP participating countries remain in good standing and that the performance measures are up to date.
OGP member countries that fall below the minimum core eligibility for two consecutive years are automatically placed under “Eligibility Review.” This process may include enhanced support by the Support Unit and the Steering Committee to help them meet the minimum criteria, at which point they can be removed from the list. The list of countries under review is published at the bottom of this page and updated regularly.
The scoring methodology for each metric is detailed below:
1. Fiscal Transparency: The timely publication of essential budget documents forms the basic building blocks of budget accountability and an open budget system.
Measurement: Two points awarded for the timely publication of each of two essential documents (Executive’s Budget Proposal and Audit Report) for open budgets, using a subset of indicators from the Open Budget Survey, conducted by the International Budget Partnership.
Source: Open Budget Survey Document Availability Tracker
2. Access to Information: An access to information law that guarantees the public’s right to information and access to government data is essential to the spirit and practice of open government.
Measurement: 4 points awarded to countries with access to information laws in place, 3 points if a country has a constitutional provision guaranteeing access to information, and 1 point if a country has a draft access to information law under consideration. Countries with both a constitutional provision and a draft law under consideration will only be awarded the 3 points for the constitutional provision.
Source: RTI Rating
3. Public Officials Asset Disclosure: Rules that require public disclosure of income and assets for elected and senior public officials are essential to anti-corruption and open, accountable government. It is also important to make the data publicly available so citizens can monitor the disclosures.
Measurement: 4 points awarded to countries with a law requiring officials to submit asset disclosures that also has any requirement that the information should be accessible to the public, 2 points awarded to countries with a law requiring officials to submit asset disclosures, 0 points for no law on asset disclosure.
Source: The source for the information on asset disclosures has been the World Bank’s Public Officials Financial Disclosure database. However, since it is no longer available, the Support Unit is exploring alternative sources to measure this indicator. If there are discrepancies identified, please contact
4. Citizen Engagement: Open Government requires openness to citizen participation and engagement in policy making and governance, including basic protections for civil liberties.
Measurement: Using the Civil Liberties sub-indicator from the EIU Democracy Index where 10 is the highest and 0 is the lowest score, 4 points for countries scoring above 7.5, 3 points for countries scoring above 5, 2 points for countries scoring above 2.5, and 0 points otherwise.
Source: Latest available EIU Democracy Index
OGP Values Check Assessment
The OGP Steering Committee approved the implementation of a ‘Values Check’ assessment on September 20, 2017 as an effort to ensure that new countries joining OGP adhere to the democratic governance norms and values established in the Open Government Declaration. From that date forward, countries who wish to join OGP would still need to score 75% or more on the current four Core Eligibility Criteria listed above, and, additionally, must also pass the Values Check assessment before they are allowed to participate in OGP. The Values Check assessment only applies to countries that have yet to join OGP and does not affect countries that are already OGP member countries.
Measurement: To pass the values check, countries must score three or higher (using ordinal scores) on at least one of the following two indicators from the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) ‘Dataset on Democracy‘:
CSO Entry and Exit – Measures the extent to which the government achieves control over entry and exit by civil society organizations (CSOs) into public life
CSO Repression – Measures the extent to which the government attempts to repress civil society organizations (CSOs)
In the exceptional case when a country passes the core eligibility criteria to join OGP, but Values Check indicators are not collected by V-Dem for such country, the C&S Subcommittee will perform an assessment of that country’s Values Check based on the ratings provided in the CIVICUS Monitor. To pass the Values Check when using the CIVICUS Monitor data, a country must be rated “Narrowed” or better at the time in which it submits its letter of intent to join OGP.
For more information on V-Dem’s analysis, please consult the latest version of the Codebook here.
Current Non-Participating Countries Eligible to Join OGP
- Angola
- Austria
- Belgium
- Benin
- Bhutan
- Guyana
- Iceland
- Japan
- Luxembourg
- Maldives
- Mozambique
- Namibia
- Nepal
- Niger
- Pakistan
- Poland
- Slovenia
- Switzerland
- Tanzania
- Togo
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Zambia
For more information about how to join OGP, visit this page.
Eligibility Review and failure to meet minimum OGP eligibility criteria
Policy approved by the SC on June 27, 2022:
In addition to meeting OGP standards and timelines in the development and implementation of action plans, OGP member countries are also expected to exhibit a demonstrated commitment to open government by meeting minimum performance criteria on key dimensions of open government.
If an OGP country’s Core Eligibility score falls below 75%, it should take immediate and explicit steps to meet the minimum eligibility by the next annual update completed by the Support Unit in June of each year.
Countries that fall below the minimum core eligibility for two consecutive years are automatically placed under Eligibility Review, which includes enhanced support by the Support Unit and Criteria and Standards Subcommittee to help the country meet minimum eligibility criteria.
The list of OGP members under Eligibility Review is published below and updated on a rolling basis. Countries will remain under Eligibility Review until they meet the minimum eligibility score.
Note: Eligibility Review alone will not lead to inactivity recommendations, but may inform a decision by the C&S Subcommittee to recommend inactivity for countries that are also placed under Procedural Review as outlined above.
Countries currently under Eligibility Review:
Comments (10)
Miraj Mustafa Reply
Open goverment partnership is best Policy, many countries do not follow this. As you said, there are four key areas Fiscal Transparency, Access to Information, Asset Disclosure, and Citizen Engagement. Thanks for your valuable article.
SAWADOGO Guéswendé Francklin Roméo Reply
Le PGO est l’une des plus belle initiatives de notre ère qui soit à même d’aider les Etats, surtout africains à quitter le gouffre dans lequel ils sont plongés depuis des décennies. Malheureusement aussi en Afrique, gérer de façon responsable en rendant surtout compte est “un crime” qui entrave les véritables progrès démocratiques. La participation citoyenne est pratiquement absente et est suscitée aux échéances électorales. Il n’y a qu’à considérer le nombre important de la population jeune pour s’en convaincre. Malgré son importance, nos Etats peinent à amorcer un développement. Aujourd’hui il y’a plus d’avantages à aller vers un gouvernement ouvert que d’inconvénient. Et il faut à cet effet des OSC assez solides pour souvent dire non, il faut que change.
Hebert de Paula Giesteira Villela Reply
We would like to know when the call for registration for the OGP Local program will take place.
We also need to know how to proceed to register our municipality.
Grateful and looking forward
Hebert de Paula Giesteira Villela
Municipal Secretariat of Compliance and Control
Standards, Procedures and Projects Manager
Phone number.:+55 44 32211587 R.: 1587
Julio Ascarrunz Reply
I was checking the values and historical data for Bolivia as part of a research that I am conducting and I surprisingly found that the country is awarded with 4 points in Access to Information since 2017. Reviewing your data it states that Bolivia had a draft law from 2010 to 2016 which later became a law. However, the country is still lacking such law. There are other instruments that are dispersed, but a law is not one of them. Even your two sources ( and consider a Decree from 2005 as the main ATI legal instrument.
how can NGo participant the universal movement of OGP? how can i apply?
Hend el Khatib Reply
Hello, is Lebanon eligible to participate in the OGP local for the year 2024?
Mairie de M'BAHIAKRO Reply
Bonjour Monsieur/ Madame,
tout en espérant que mon message vous trouve en bonne santé, nous venons par cette note savoir comment nous devons postuler ?
Jessica Monaco Reply
Please see
Nyumbah Nyanjong' Reply
I and my Civil Society Leadership for Development Kenya (LEAD-Kenya) would like to join OGP
May I be given a chance to join and participate
Mr. Nyumbah Nyanjong’
Monte McMurchy Reply
My 30+ years working abroad in post conflict governance development allows me this essential salience effecting ‘good civics’—as civic civil social cohesion is the ‘golden grail’ ensuring stability in our collective publics.
Culture expressed in the creative visual arts, culture expressed in music, culture expressed in rhetoric inclusive of literature and culture expressed in sport is that critical element which binds a society in a positive prescriptive collective resulting in a reduction in violence inclusive of crime. Unfortunately with tragic consequences, culture is that which most governments reduce for reasons purely transactional in short term monetary thrifting notwithstanding evidence to the contrary.