Gaps and opportunities for standardization in OGP members’ open data catalogs
The co-leads of the OGP Open DataBy opening up data and making it sharable and reusable, governments can enable informed debate, better decision making, and the development of innovative new services. Technical specifications: Polici... Working Group wrote automated scripts to automatically collect, normalize and analyze data from catalogs, in order to both set a baseline and identify gaps and opportunities for standardization. The bulk of this document reports on this analysis. The analysis simply states the choices that OGP members have made with respect each area for standardization; it makes no judgment as to whether these choices are best practices.
40 OGP members have catalogs, most of which can be automatically analyzed since they offer APIs or machine-readable data. For each section below, we specify which catalogs are included in the analysis. An important caveat is that catalogs change constantly; aberrations and errors can be short-lived. If a national catalog aggregates datasets from subnational catalogs, we omit those datasets; at time of writing, this filter has been applied to only the catalogs of Italy and the US. This document is also supported by reading prior work and corresponding with governments and civil society organizations.
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