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Civil Society Day – Unconference

Monday, November 17th

Casa del Cuño (in the  Antigua Aduana)

San José, Costa Rica


Organizers: OGP Civil Society Liaison Team, Hivos Costa Rica, civil society of Costa Rica.

Technical Consultant: SocialTIC


For this third OGP Americas Regional Meeting, the Organizing Committee decided to follow an unconference format previously implemented by our colleagues at AbreLatam in Motevideo (2013) and in Mexico City (2014). For its last two installments, AbreLatam gathered  dozens of latin americans involved in opening and utilizing data. It is the opinion of the Civil Society Day organizers that AbreLatam resulted in a paradigm shift that increases horizontal dialogue, promotes the exchange of experiences, and improves solidarity among the community.  

For this unconference #OGPSanJosé we hope to:

–           Provide a space to talk about topics that the community of the Americas region considers important within the context of the Open Government Partnership.  

–          Promote open, direct, horizontal dialogue

–           Encourage peer exchange and the strengthening of a diverse community that works on different areas related to open government.  

At #OGPSanJosé we will maintain the dynamic that was so effective in Montevideo and Mexico City and:

–          We will create a collaborative agenda.

–          We will encourage exchange among and for open government specialists of the region.

–          We will seek the intensive and purposeful link between us all.

–          We will give equal weight to all voices, spaces, and knowledge.

–          We will discuss solutions and lessons learned from our region to put into practice locally.

We expect approximately 150 civil society representatives of the Americas region to participate. We will have 15 facilitators from the same community that will help us coordinate 15 working groups (with approximately 10 people at each) that will gather in four parallel blocks. The result will be 60 parallel sessions that will discuss themes proposed during the first session of the unconference.


Civil Society Day – Unconference will have the following timing: 



08:00 – 09:00

Registration and Coffee

09:00 – 09:30


09:30 – 10:00

Creation of the Agenda

10:00 – 11:30

1st Block of Parallel Sessions and Plenary Reporting

11:30 – 13:00

2nd Block of Parallel Sessions and Plenary Reporting

13:00 – 14:00


14:00 – 15:30

3rd Block of Parallel Sessions and Plenary Reporting

15:30 – 17:00

4th Block of Parallel Sessions and Plenary Reporting

17:00 – 18:00


18:00 – 19:00

Tour of San Jose organized by Chepecletas and Hivos Costa Rica

To include English-speaking participants, three of the fifteen groups will be conducted entirely in English. There will be simultaneous interpretation for all plenary sessions that report on the conclusions of each session as well as the opening ceremony and farewell.

For more information please contact Emilene Martínez at


A.           EN – Lesly Baesens, OGP Support Unit

B.          EN – Jack Mahoney, OGP Support Unit

C.          EN – Nout van der Vaart, OGP Support Unit

D.          SPAN – Ana Sofía Ruiz/Daniela Montero, Hivos Costa Rica

E.          SPAN – Susana Soto, Costa Rica Civil Society

F.           SPAN – Fabrizio Scrollini, ILDA

G.          SPAN– Alejandra Naser, CEPAL / ECLAC

H.        SPAN– Álvaro Ramírez, CEPAL/ ECLAC

I.           SPAN– Emilene Martínez, OGP Support Unit

J.           SPAN – Haydeé Pérez, Fundar (Mexico)

K.          SPAN – Agustina de Luca, Directorio Legislativo (Argentina)

L.           SPAN – Pablo Collada, Ciudadano Inteligente (Chile/Mexico)

M.       SPAN– Iris Palma, OKFN (El Salvador)

N.          SPAN – Jazmín Acuña, Tedic (Paraguay)

Ñ.          SPAN –  Zoe Reiter, Transparency International  


Open Government Partnership