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National ‘Open Government Camp’ in Denmark

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On 25th September 2012 Danish citizens, businesses, NGOs and public authorities will roll up their sleeves and set to work at a national ‘Open Government Camp’. At the camp, participants will work together to develop new ideas, to learn from each other, and to come up with innovative solutions to tough challenges. The camp will deal with

  • citizenship and citizen initiatives,
  • democracy and collaborative decision making,
  • open government data,
  • open source development,
  • social media, relationships, networks and crowdsourcing,
  • collaborative innovation,
  • innovation culture and leadership,
  • public-private partnerships and ecosystems.

‘Open Government Camp’ will consist of a series of workshops which will tackle current challenges and issues and find new solutions. The camp is not going to be a traditional conference with presentations and formal panel discussions;  rather, it will look to put new ideas into practice. All participants will be active players who engage, contribute and collaborate across traditional boundaries. The individual workshops at the camp are collaboratively organised by public authorities, NGOs, citizens and businesses. The purpose of the camp is to experiment with ways in which civil society and the public sector can work together to solve societal challenges in new ways, to create innovation and development, and to utilise digital technologies to make Danish welfare society even better. The camp is an initiative in the Danish ‘Open Government Partnership’ Action Plan 2012.  

Open Government Partnership