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Denmark Design Report 2017-2019 – For Public Comment

In 2019, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Design Report for Denmark’s third action plan (2017-2019). The report covers the development of the action plan and design of its commitments.

In Denmark, the IRM researcher Cordelia Chesnutt’s findings are summarized below:

“Denmark’s third action plan had similar thematic foci as previous plans: increasing open data, improving transparency in the public sector, and promoting open government globally. Civil society provided input during the co-creation process. However, the final commitments were proposed by government agencies, and most reflected existing initiatives. Future action plans could address higher-priority policy areas, such as the implementation of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, beneficial ownership transparency, and whistleblower protection.”

And in Danish:

“Temaerne for Danmarks tredje handlingsplan lignede temaer fra tidligere planer: flere og bedre åbne data, øget transparens i den offentlige sektor og promovering af åben regeringsførelse globalt. Selvom civilsamfundet gav inputs til forberedelsen af handlingsplanen, kom de endelige forpligtelser fra offentlige instanser, og de fleste forpligtelser afspejlede eksisterende initiativer. Fremtidige handlingsplaner kunne adressere policyområder med højere politisk prioritet i den nationale debat, såsom implementeringen af EUs Persondataforordning (GDPR), gennemsigtighed vedrørende retmæssigt ejerskab, og beskyttelse af whistleblowers.”

The version of the report for public comment is available in English and Danish here. The two-week public comment period will remain open from 3 May 2019 closed 17 May 2019.


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