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Zuzana Wienk


Zuzana Wienk is the Director of Currents. She has been a senior journalist, a seasoned campaigner, a civic tech leader, and a diplomat. She is a prominent, well-connected and respected public (media) figure in Slovakia and has been actively engaged in the OGP process in Slovakia.

Zuzana served as a civil society member on the OGP Steering Committee from 2016 – 2022.

Authored Content

European Parliament 2024

We Must Protect Our Democracies Before It Is Too Late

In this pivotal moment, our response will shape the future of democratic resilience and security. It's time to clean our own houses and strengthen our democracies, reinforcing the global fight against kleptocracy and corruption. The urgency of these reforms cannot be overstated. We must act now, before it is too late.

Open Government Partnership