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IRM releases Indonesia report for public comment

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The Open Government Partnership’s Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) has launched its seventh of eight progress reports for public comment; this one is on Indonesia and can be found below.

IRM progress reports are carried out by an independent researcher under the guidance of an International Experts’ Panel. In Indonesia, Chitra Retna S. of Article 33 Indonesia authored the report. The researcher carried out a consultative process, reviewing government progress with civil society and members of government. The IRM’s goal is to deliver credible, non-partisan description of the OGP process, results of commitments, and to provide technical recommendations based on the input of government, civil society, and the private sector.

The Indonesian action plan took a multi-sector approach, with commitments ranging from budgeting to land management. Many of the Indonesian commitments had several parts and were quite ambitious. The Indonesian government created Open Government Indonesia (OGI), which is a national coordinating body for OGP. OGI’s Core Team is comprised of representatives of five governmental bodies, lead by the Presidential Working Unit for Supervision and Management Development, and four civil society organizations selected by the government. Members of the Core Team reported that they were able to engage in the development of the initial action plan, and that their input was incorporated. 

Although Indonesia was only able to achieve five of its OGP commitments, all commitments saw at least substantial or limited progress. In part, this is because many of the initial commitments were quite ambitious, and the action plan covered a longer time period than the period assessed by the IRM. The report recommends that the next action plan focus on strengthening the basic institutional frameworks for OGP, in order to widen participation and to work on a phased approach for implementing commitments. 

This report is a draft for public comment.  All interested parties are encouraged to comment on this blog or to send public comments to until November 14. Comments will be collated and published, except where the requester asks to be anonymous. Where comments identify substantive factual errors, comments will be integrated into a final version of the report.

Photo credit: Jakarta Skyline, by Yohanes Budiyanto via Wikimedia Commons

Open Government Partnership