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Denmark Implementation Report 2017-2019 – For Public Comment

In 2020, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Implementation Report for Denmark’s third action plan (2017-2019). The report covers the level of completion and the results of the action plan.

In Denmark, the IRM researcher Mikkel Otto Hansen (Nordic Consulting Group)’s findings are summarized below:

“Denmark’s third action plan focused on increasing open data, improving transparency in the public sector, and promoting open government globally. Notably, the action plan resulted in the creation of a new portal with data on day-care facilities (Commitment 3) as well as strengthening the volunteer sector in Denmark (Commitment 9). However, while most commitments were either fully or substantially completed, their influence on opening government was generally marginal.”

And in Danish:

“Danmarks tredje handlingsplan fokuserede på åbne data, forbedring af gennemsigtigheden i den offentlige sektor og promovering af åbne data globalt. Det er værd at bemærke, at handlingsplanen resulterede i oprettelsen af en ny portal, der indeholder data vedr. dagtilbudsområdet (forpligtelse 3) såvel som initiativer, der har styrket frivilligsektoren (forpligtelse 9). Selvom de fleste forpligtelser blev helt eller væsentligt færdiggjort, var deres indflydelse på at åbne regeringen generelt marginal.”

The version of the report for public comment is available in English and in Danish. The two-week public comment period closed 12 June 2020.


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