Public Care Services and Gender
This team was selected to be a part of the 2020-2021 Leaders Network. Learn more about the program here.
National Institute for Women (INMUJERES) is working with the Simone de Beauvoir Leadership Institute to design a national policy to strengthen public care services. This pilot program aims to coordinate a project of care policy in the municipality of Manzanillo, Colima and a citizen monitoring mechanism, which serves as evidence for the creation of comprehensive policies on the matter. This policy will be monitored by citizens to increase their ability to monitor and shape these services and to reduce the gender inequality gap in Mexico, and position the right to care in the public agenda.
This reform aims to contribute to the generation of empirical evidence on the design and implementation of coordinated actions in the area of public care services in municipalities of Mexico, the challenges it implies, and the opportunities it represents. This will be done through three specific actions: preparing a diagnosis on the gap in the current provision of care services in Manzanillo and a diagnosis of the right to care in Mexican legislation; designing and coordinating a pilot intervention model in Manzanillo; and coordinating the participatory monitoring and evaluation mechanism of the actions agreed in the commitment.
This action will contribute to the creation of a National System of Care and will favor, from an open government approach, the positioning of the exercise of the right to care in the public agenda.
This reform was included in the 2019-2021 Mexico OGP National Action Plan.