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High-Level Discussion on Beneficial Ownership Transparency in Africa


This event has already occurred. You can watch the recording of the event and other clips from Open Gov Week here.

In May 2021, Over 200 reformers from more than 20 African countries convened for a high-level political and technical engagement on the advancement of beneficial ownership transparency in Africa during Open Gov Week. The event was co-hosted by the Open Government Partnership, the Extractives Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and Open Ownership. During the high-level political session, government reformers, business leaders and CSO representatives used the opportunity to explore options to reinvigorate and sustain the much-needed political commitment and made strong value propositions for the need to accelerate beneficial ownership transparency in their countries.

The Technical Roundtable delved deeper into the details, allowing experts and technical reformers leading BOT in government, industry and CSO to share practical approaches to disclosing high quality open BOT in different jurisdictions. Special appreciation goes to colleagues and partners from African Development Bank (AfDB), Centre for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), Global Financial Integrity, Ghana’s Registrar General’s Department,  Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources, Government of Sierra Leone, Nigeria’s Corporate Affairs Commission,  Nigeria Economic Summit Group (NESG), Tax Justice Network Africa, Publish What You Pay and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), for their contributions.

Open Government Partnership