The Power of Partnership in Open Government
The authors argue that indirect pathways to transnational impact on domestic policy have considerable but often overlooked potential to shape policy norms and models, alter resources and opportunities, and forge new linkages and coalitions — in short, to drive the substantial changes that inspire initiatives like the Open Government Partnership.
Beneficial Ownership Transparency – Assessing Funder Contributions
The Transparency and Accountability Initiative (TAI) partnered with Intention to Impact to understand how, if at all, TAI members contributed to select policy outcomes and to examine the system of enabling and hindering factors surrounding these outcomes.
OGP Vital Signs - Ten Years of Data in Review
Moving into its next 10 years, OGP has an important opportunity to look back and assess whether the platform is working as intended: Are governments and civil society collaborating to design reforms? Are governments implementing the reforms they commit to? And, importantly, what predicts success, and what can we do about it?
OGP at Ten: Toward Democratic Renewal
When eight governments and nine civil society leaders launched OGP in 2011, no one expected it to reach its current size and scope. Ten years later, explore the data, reforms, and stories that show that the OGP process is opening up governments and providing the seeds for a democratic renewal.
Reform in Action
Creating lasting open government impact requires working closely with reformers on the ground, constantly anticipating risks and getting ahead of them, and navigating the political economy that impacts the pace of the reforms. In this series, we learn how reformers from across the globe leverage their engagement with OGP to achieve their open government goals and observe how incremental progress can lead to systemic change.