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Creating OGP's Future Together

Strategic Planning 2023-2028

In May, we reached out to the community to help us develop a new five-year strategy. One of the key aims of the strategy is crafting a vision and strategic direction that resonates with and has roles for the entire Partnership. We thank everyone who has taken part in this co-creation process so far, and we are excited to announce that the draft strategy is now available for review. It’s available in EnglishFrench, and Spanish.

Among the headlines, you’ll see there are four shifts that were prominent in conversations:

  • Expanding the open government community to become a much broader, more interconnected movement of open government reformers
  • Moving from individual actions and OGP commitments to making open government the norm across all levels and branches of government
  • Welcoming diverse policy priorities but also setting Partnership-wide, collective policy goals for all national and local members
  • Becoming the home for inspiration, innovation, evidence and stories on open government

You can find the draft strategy on Discuto (English | Español | Français) or as a PDF here. Please share your feedback on Discuto or in an email to by February 15, 2023.

Read more about the background to the process here.

The Process

Phase 1 Report

Explore a summary of Phase 1 (May – August 2022), which focused on big picture questions and discussions around the most significant future contribution of open government and the most catalytic and effective role for OGP, here.

Phase 2 Report

Explore a summary of Phase 2 (August – December 2022), which focused on how OGP can make its best contribution, with options for new models and strategies, here.

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