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2023 Civil Society Steering Committee Candidate Video

Zukiswa Kota

View Zukiswa Kota’s application materials for the OGP Civil Society Steering Committee here.

For this video, candidates were asked to respond to the following questions:

  • Why do you want to be on the Steering Committee, and what would your priorities be?
  • How will your participation in the Steering Committee be useful in strengthening open government in your region? OR
  • What can the 2023-2028 OGP strategy do to advance the open government agenda and drive impact? How would you plan to advance the strategy as a Steering Committee member?

Once you’ve watched the video, leave a question or comment below! Candidates will respond directly. For more information about the CS SC selection process, see this page. Comments will close May 19.

Comments (2)

Rachel Gondo Reply

Thank you Zukiswa. Agree on the need for stronger networks of reformers that are multi-stakeholder in nature. More support as well to reformers in select southern African countries towards strengthening key dimensions for inclusive, transparent accountable governance. All the best!

Zukiswa Kota Reply

Thanks, Rachel. I strongly believe in the possibilities for doing exactly that across Africa and the Middle East in particular given the amazing strides already taken by reformers across the board! There is much to be hopeful about and a great deal more to achieve.

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