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The Private Sector and Open Government

Private sector actors—including corporations, financial institutions, investors, government contractors—have a clear stake in opening government. Open governments can prevent corruption, increase efficiency, reduce transaction costs, and cultivate a better business environment. Though business has always been a critical part of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), the time is right for business to increase its support for open government reforms.

The following papers explore why and how private sector actors should invest in open government and what it takes to make sure that the private sector is improving the way government works.

Investing in Openness: Business Engagement in Open Government Reforms

Though businesses have engaged in active debate with other policy actors throughout the history of OGP, they increasingly play a key role in catalyzing open government reforms. Read these short case studies on how business worldwide is involved in reforms that make government more effective and open, and are finding new ways for collaboration.

Keeping Good Company: How Financial Regulation is Helping Reduce Corruption in Market Economies

Companies can be better citizens when governments provide clear guidance for ethical, legal engagement with governments. Financial regulators have consistently advanced reforms through OGP to create an environment for responsible investment and business. This resource guide captures the reforms OGP members are taking to harness the power of markets for good governance

Returns Made Real: How Investors Can Advance Open Government Reform

Growing evidence shows that investing in well-governed places creates more predictable returns on lending. Investors can support specific open government policies to help governments become more open. This resource guide focuses on how investors can leverage their considerable expertise and influence to fight corruption through supporting policies like fiscal openness or limiting political influence. The report gives examples of such reforms in OGP and gives guidance on how investors can participate in OGP.


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Open Government Partnership