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Local Roundup | April 2022

Here’s our monthly roundup of updates from the OGP Local community for April 2022.

  • South Cotabato, Philippines has launched a cool series of infographics in order to explain in a friendly way the five commitments of their last action plan.
  • Peñalolén, Chile was featured on “Voices of Open Government” a new publication documenting 10 years of OpenGov in Chile. The Chapter on Peñalolén has some forwards by mayor Carolina Leitao and follows their recent action plan co-creation process.
  • Nandi, Kenya has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with six organizations to help in the implementation of their commitments. It involves the building of portals, creating internal capacity, and supporting the drafting of bills as well.
  • Yucatan’s Civil Society organization Jade Sociales, one of the participants in Yucatan’s forum, celebrated its 3rd anniversary. One of their many projects was the translation of key open government concepts on Maya Yucateco.
  • Ozurgeti’s meeting (Georgia) with NDI Washington Office representatives and Civil Society at City Hall discussed women’s participation promotion in local self-government activities, among other inclusion issues.
  • The city of Mendoza, Argentina has launched “Ecosistemas Abiertos” a monthly newsletter featuring local news as well as conversations with other local and national OGP members.
  • São Paulo, Osasco, and Santa Catarina State were part of a webinar organized by the “Controladoria-Geral da União’’ in Brazil. The Local POCs Patricia Marques, Milena Coimbra and Carolina Kichller share their experience advancing local open government in the country.
  • For Open Data Day, Bogotá, Colombia organized a dialogue moderated by Fredy Martinez (Bogota´s Open Government Manager) about “The History behind open data, creating communities and open data dashboards”.
  • Rosario´s Open Government Office organized a workshop on Open Contracting, with several administrative units from the municipality, as well as civil society organizations, led by the local POC, Miguel Cánaves. This is part of their latest action plan.
  • Tbilisi, Georgia is advancing two relevant initiatives on Corruption Risk Assessment run by the Internal Audit Service of the City Hall to identify potential risks. Also they are introducing a new model for internal decision making.


Looking for more? Read our previous local roundups.
Topics: OGP Local
Filed Under: OGP Local

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