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Inception Report – Action plan – Yerevan, Armenia, 2023 – 2024


Name of Evaluator

Arpine Hakobyan


Member Name

Yerevan, Armenia

Action Plan Title

Action plan – Yerevan, Armenia, 2023 – 2024

Section 1.
Compliance with
co-creation requirements

1.1 Does a forum exist?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

In order to promote a high level of public influence during the development and implementation of the action plan, Local Government created a space for iterative dialogue and co-creation.

From the beginning, 4-5 people from the staff of the Department of Development and Investment Programs of the Yerevan Municipality dealt with the technical and organizational issues of the project. The formation of this group is not fixed by a separate legal act. Then, for the formation of the Forum, an announcement was made on the official website of the municipality and department, as well as on the Instagram page. Both the local OGP coordinator and the OGP Armenia coordinator noted this: – The municipality was invited to participate in the process, to join the idea in general. After two announcements, a certain team was formed. According to the certification of the local OGP coordinator, the responsible staff never made decisions alone, any decisions related to OGP membership, stages of development of assignments, etc. were made as a result of discussions, in which representatives of the civil society, the government, the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure, as well as other partner communities, were involved. In particular, representatives of the municipality of Armavir.
This collaborative approach was further validated during in-depth interviews with representatives from two non-governmental organizations (NGOs) actively participating in the working group. A respondent from the “Armavir Development Center” NGO recounted the formation of a multi-stakeholder working group before the development of the OGP action plan. This group conducted working meetings to identify challenges and establish priorities collaboratively. Similarly, a representative from the “Center for Freedom of Information” NGO affirmed receiving an invitation to join the working group and personally participating in one of it.

Provide evidence for your answer:

Provide references here (e.g. interviews):

In-depth interviews:

  • Lilya Afrikyan- OGP Secretary of the RA Prime Minister’s Office/Armenian contact person
  • Meri Harutyunyan- Yerevan Municipality/ Deputy Head of the Department of Development and Investment Programs
  • Ashot Giloyan-Head of the Local Government Policy Department of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures
  • Ani Harutyunyan- Armavir Development Center NGO

1.2 Is the forum multi-stakeholder?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The working group comprises government officials as well as civil society/non-government partners. To formulate an action plan for the “Local Open Government Partnership” initiative, the Yerevan Municipality issued an open announcement inviting interested individuals and organizations to submit proposals across various priority directions and sectors. Subsequently, organizations expressing interest were incorporated into Yerevan’s local OGP working group. In addition to the aforementioned stakeholders, active citizens were also engaged in the processes. It’s worth noting that, unlike other participants, media representatives were not part of the working group.
The working group consists of 17 members: 3 government officials, 10 civil society/non-governmental partners, 1 expert, and 1 international organization.
At the same time, it should be noted that the community website is not the best platform for disseminating information and the municipality has not been proactive in making it available to various stakeholders. That was the reason why a group was not gathered in the result of the first announcement, but they were able to form a group in the case of the second one. It should also be noted that this group mainly includes the organizations included in the working group of the national OGP, which were already aware of the OGP.

Provide evidence for your answer:

  • Official website
  • Article  – Meeting with CSO representatives and residents about the intention of Yerevan to join OGP
  • Acceptance of proposals to develop an action plan for the “Local Open Government Partnership” initiative

Provide references here (e.g. interviews):

In-depth interviews:

  • Lilya Afrikyan- OGP Secretary of the RA Prime Minister’s Office/Armenian contact person
  • Meri Harutyunyan- Yerevan Municipality/ Deputy Head of the Department of Development and Investment Programs
  • Ashot Giloyan-Head of the Local Government Policy Department of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures
  • Ani Harutyunyan- Armavir Development Center NGO
  • Mane Madoyan-Freedom of Information Center NGO

1.3 Does the forum hold at least one meeting with civil society and non-governmental stakeholders during the co-creation of the action plan?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

Throughout the process of formulating the assignments, numerous meetings occurred before presenting them to the Council of Yerevan city and finalizing decisions, conducted both online and offline. The inaugural online meeting took place in August 2022, aiming to deliberate on the development of Yerevan’s “Local OGP” action plan, priorities, and subsequent commitments.
Offline meetings were convened at Yerevan City Hall, predominantly focusing on assessing the progress of the formulated commitments over the course of a year.
Engaging in a collaborative discourse, we invited representatives from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to these discussions to address public statements and garner their insights. Considering their support during the commitment execution, their opinions held significant weight. All these meetings were made public, either on the official municipality page or on the program’s Facebook page, ensuring transparency and accessibility of information.

Provide evidence for your answer:

  • Article – Action Plan development

Provide references here (e.g. interviews):

In-depth interviews:

  • Lilya Afrikyan- OGP Secretary of the RA Prime Minister’s Office/Armenian contact person
  • Meri Harutyunyan- Yerevan Municipality/ Deputy Head of the Department of Development and Investment Programs
  • Ani Harutyunyan- Armavir Development Center NGO

1.4 Has the action plan been endorsed by the stakeholders of the forum or steering committee/group?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The action plan was approved by the Council of the city, the highest governing body of the local government. Before being presented to the Council for discussion, it underwent a thorough public discussion stage. The refined version of the action plan was deliberated during an offline meeting, albeit with some absentees. To ensure comprehensive participation, it was circulated to the Civil Society Organization (CSO), government, and ministry representatives in the working group for their input. The document was then finalized based on the received comments, and subsequent approval was obtained via email from all stakeholders.
Following this internal approval, the action plan was subjected to a 15-day public discussion period. Invitations for public discussion were prominently displayed on both the municipality’s website and the program’s Facebook page.
After the public discussions, a designated day for public hearings was scheduled, allowing interested individuals to participate. Subsequently, the action plan was presented for deliberation to the Council of Elders. Notably, a separate public hearing was organized exclusively for the third commitment. This distinction was made because the beneficiaries of the third commitment, centered on environmental protection, differed significantly from those of the first and second commitments, which primarily focused on transparency and integrity.

Provide evidence for your answer:

Provide references here (e.g. interviews):

In-depth interviews:

  • Lilya Afrikyan- OGP Secretary of the RA Prime Minister’s Office/Armenian contact person
  • Meri Harutyunyan- Yerevan Municipality/ Deputy Head of the Department of Development and Investment Programs
  • Ashot Giloyan-Head of the Local Government Policy Department of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures
  • Ani Harutyunyan- Armavir Development Center NGO
  • Mane Madoyan-Freedom of Information Center NGO

Section 2.
Recommended practices
in co-creation

2.1 Does the government maintain a Local OGP website or webpage on a government website where information on the OGP Local process (co-creation and implementation) is proactively published?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The Yerevan website features a dedicated OGP section where information about the local OGP process, including co-creation and implementation, is published. As well as, Facebook and Instagram pages of Yerevan OGP were created, where publications are carried out about all the processes of the local OGP. The Facebook page was created in August 2022. The Instagram page has been active since April 2023, and has 66 posts, and 48 followers.

Provide evidence for your answer:

Provide references here (e.g. interviews):

In-depth interviews:

  • Lilya Afrikyan- OGP Secretary of the RA Prime Minister’s Office/Armenian contact
  • Ani Harutyunyan- Armavir Development Center NGO
  • Mane Madoyan-Freedom of Information Center NGO

2.2 Did the government provide information to stakeholders in advance to facilitate informed and prepared participation in the co-creation process?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

Before starting this process, that is the accession of Yerevan city to OGP, a discussion was called on the issue, within the framework of which Deputy Mayor Levon Hovsepyan, Head of the Local Government Department of The Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Ashot Giloyan, and OGP Armenia coordinator Lilia Afrikyan from the Prime Minister’s Office presented the OGP platform, importance and opportunities for participation. All possible options were discussed and it was published on the official website of the city of Yerevan.

According to Lilya Afrikyan, an information operation was carried out. “However, there was a small problem of comprehension, because the process was new and the partner did not understand the presence of the process and its importance, and maybe they did not understand what it meant, but the municipality has tried to implement all the advice given by the local OGP support center, i.e. to follow the rules.”

Provide evidence for your answer:

Provide references here (e.g. interviews):

In-depth interviews:

  • Ani Harutyunyan- Armavir Development Center NGO
  • Mane Madoyan-Freedom of Information Center NGO

2.3 Did the government ensure that any interested member of the public could make inputs into the action plan and observe or have access to decision-making documentation?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

In order to develop the “Local OGP” action plan of the “Local Open Government Partnership” initiative, Yerevan municipality was open to receiving proposals aimed at reforms in the following directions and areas;

    1. garbage collection,
    2. public transport,
    3. tourism,
    4. healthcare,
    5. services provided to the population,
    6. ensuring a stable social environment,
    7. participatory management,
    8. green economy,
    9. benevolence.

It was specified that participation is open to all individuals (organizations) whose activities align with the following principles:

    • at least five years of specialized work,
    • օrganizations with charter objectives rooted in the fields and scopes of waste management, public transportation, tourism, healthcare, services for the population, maintenance of a stable social environment, benevolence, participatory governance, green economy, and the fights against corruption, are eligible to participate.
    • are familiar with the “Open Government Partnership” initiative, as well as have implemented projects based on the principles of ESD and have experience in cooperation with national or local authorities.

The above standards already do not ensure the possibility of any interested member participating in the development of the action plan.
At the same time, according to the CSO representative, full participation was not ensured in terms of preconditions. In particular, regarding the third commitment, it failed, because there were several entities interested in the commitment of the environmental platform, that were not informed and did not provide their important participation.

Provide evidence for your answer:

  • Acceptance of proposals to develop an action plan for the “Local Open Government Partnership” initiative.
  • The same is posted on the website of the Yerevan Municipality.

Provide references here (e.g. interviews):

In-depth interviews:

  • Ani Harutyunyan- Armavir Development Center NGO
  • Participants in Focus group discussion.

2.4 Did the government proactively report back or provide written feedback to stakeholders on how their contributions were considered during the creation of the action plan?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

Representatives of civil society organizations (CSOs) participating in the working group, along with officials, highlighted that face-to-face meetings took place in August. During this session, the proposals received were presented to the stakeholders, outlining which ones aligned with the principles of OGP and which ones did not.

Those who submitted proposals were invited to the meeting that was conducted by the head of department A. Harutyunyan. Margaryan Meri, the head of the human resources management department, who was authorized to carry out the actions of the commitment regarding benevolence, was also present at the meeting. During the session, participants were provided with explanations regarding the acceptance or rejection of their proposals.

For example, the suggestion concerning construction permits presented by Transparency International NGO was rejected, due to the upcoming mayoral elections, it is considered inappropriate to implement such a significant change and states that it will scheduled for the next phase.

Provide evidence for your answer:

Provide references here (e.g. interviews):

In-depth interviews:

  • Ani Harutyunyan- Armavir Development Center NGO
  • Mane Madoyan-Freedom of Information Center NGO
  • Ashot Giloyan-Head of the Local Government Policy Department of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures

2.5 Was there an iterative dialogue and shared ownership between government and non-governmental stakeholders during the decision-making process, including setting the agenda?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

During the agenda-setting process, meetings and discussions were arranged, involving civil society organizations (CSOs). Proposals were presented by representatives of education, law, and energy saving, as well as representatives of international organizations.
Proposals relate to:

  • To public transport
  • Garbage collection
  • Green economy
  • Benevolence
  • Energy saving and Energy efficiency

Provide evidence for your answer:

Provide references here (e.g. interviews):

In-depth interviews:

  • Meri Harutyunyan- Yerevan Municipality/ Deputy Head of the Department of
  • Development and Investment Programs

2.6 Would you consider the forum to be inclusive and diverse?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The group was formed in accordance with the standards of OGP, at the same time it did not include mass media or private sector representatives and, most importantly, NGOs operating in Yerevan, that are not a part of the national-level OGP. Overall, we can state, that the participation of new entities in the local OGP was not ensured, possibly stemming from the lack of information and the inactivity of the civil society sector.

Provide evidence for your answer:

  • Yerevan Municipality joined the “Open Governance Week” initiative, within the framework of which a flash mob was organized. The aim of the initiative is to raise public awareness of the city’s commitment to the principles of participatory, accountable, and transparent governance by calling on citizens to participate in public discussions, voice their opinions, submit proposals, and be informed.

Provide references here (e.g. interviews):

In-depth interviews:

  • Ani Harutyunyan- Armavir Development Center NGO
  • Mane Madoyan-Freedom of Information Center NGO
  • Participants of Focus group discussion.

Section 3.
Initial evaluation
of commitments

1 Commitment :

Organization and implementation of open, transparent, and participatory public discussions.

1.1 Is the commitment verifiable?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

  1. Specific: The initial commitment provides a clear identification of three expected results, accompanied by five milestones and corresponding implementation dates for each milestone. Simultaneously, it precisely outlines the issue it aims to address: the low participation of public discussions and open hearings held in Yerevan Municipality concerning the municipal budget, development plans, and drafts of local fees and tax rates. Acknowledging the low levels of citizen awareness and participation resulting from organized discussions, the commitment establishes additional mechanisms, beyond legally mandated awareness measures, to enhance citizens’ interest and engagement in public processes.
  2. Verifiable: The commitment lacks predefined targets for objectively verifiable indicators, such as participation levels and SMS quantity. These indicators should be defined to allow various parties to assess the commitment’s fulfillment at its conclusion. For instance, a specific target, such as the percentage increase in participation compared to the previous year, would serve as a measurable benchmark.
  3. Answerable: The commitment explicitly designates Yerevan Municipality as the primary agency responsible for implementation, aligning with the commitment’s nature. Additionally, two Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and an international project are involved in the implementation: “Freedom of Information Center” NGO, “Transparency International, Anticorruption Center” NGO, and USAID’s ARMENIA INTEGRITY PROJECT (AIP).
  4. Time-bound: The commitment includes a clear completion date: Commitment End – January 2024. This time-bound aspect provides a defined timeline for the fulfillment of the commitment, aiding in accountability and progress tracking.

Provide evidence for your answer:

  • Commitment: Organization and implementation of open, transparent, and participatory public discussions
  • Facebook post
  • Within the framework of the 1st commitment undertaken by the action plan of Yerevan Local Open Government Partnership, a section was created on the official website of Yerevan Municipality,, where complete information on public discussions is posted.

1.2 Does the commitment language/activities clearly justify relevance to OGP values?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

Civic Participation:
This commitment fosters civic participation by actively engaging the public in making socially significant political decisions. It encourages citizens to participate in the decision-making process, promoting a more inclusive and democratic approach to governance.

Public Accountability:
In addition to ensuring citizen awareness and participation, the city government has committed to ensuring public accountability. This involves presenting annual and five-year development plan reports, as well as annual budget execution reports. By undertaking these measures, the government aims to uphold transparency and accountability to the public.

To enhance publicity, participation, awareness, and transparency in the process of organizing and implementing public discussions within the local self-government system, a new public and transparent notification system (pilot version) is being introduced. This initiative, carried out within the framework of the OGP, aims to make the process of informing the population more effective, transparent, accessible to citizens, and accountable.

Provide evidence for your answer:

1.3 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:

A new regulation, policy, practice, or requirement.

Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

In accordance with the Local Self-Government Law, the community’s strategic documents are mandated to undergo a public hearing before submission to the Council of Elders. Ensuring the transparency of these public hearings in the Yerevan Municipality involves posting announcements on official websites such as,, and in daily newspapers before the events. The essence of the first commitment lies not in creating a new regulation but in adopting a novel practice and technology. This commitment aims to enhance publicity, participation, awareness, and transparency in the organization and implementation of public discussions within the local self-government system by introducing a new pilot version of a public and transparent notification system.

Provide evidence for your answer:

  • Commitment: Organization and implementation of open, transparent, and participatory public discussions

1.4 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:

Will result in a change of the rules, practices, or policies that govern a policy area, public sector and/or relationship between citizens and is binding or institutionalized across government or specific institution(s).

Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The commitment introduces a novel practice to BCG, outlining a fresh dynamic between entities and individuals. With regular implementation, this practice has the potential to evolve into regulations, fostering more institutionalized relationships between the municipality and administrative units, thereby enhancing participation.

In this context, there is a need to establish regulations governing local cooperation between municipalities and communication operators.

Provide evidence for your answer:

1.5 Are there any recommended changes to the design of the commitment to help improve its implementation?

To enhance the implementation of the commitment to improve public awareness and participation in local self-government, the following recommended changes can be considered:

Measurable Objectives:
Define specific and measurable objectives to assess the success of the commitment. For instance, specify the percentage increase in public awareness or participation expected as a result of the introduced measures.

Enhanced Monitoring and Evaluation:
Incorporate a robust monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the effectiveness of the new public and transparent notification system. Include key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the impact on citizen awareness, participation, and the transparency of public discussions.

Capacity Building:
Outline plans for capacity building within the municipality to ensure staff members are adequately trained to effectively implement the new notification system and engage with citizens using behavioral science tools.

Pilot Implementation Plan:
Clearly define the scope, duration, and methodology for the pilot phase, allowing for adjustments based on feedback and lessons learned.

Communication Strategy:
Develop a comprehensive communication strategy to promote the new notification system and encourage citizen participation. Utilize multiple communication channels, such as social media, community events, and local partnerships, to reach a wide audience.

Feedback Mechanisms:
Establish mechanisms for collecting feedback from citizens on the effectiveness of the new notification system and their experience with public discussions. Use this feedback to iterate and improve the system over time.

By incorporating these recommendations, the commitment can be designed to be more effective, measurable, and inclusive, ensuring that it addresses the identified public problem and contributes to meaningful improvements in citizen engagement and transparency

2 Commitment :

Establishment of an Integrity System

2.1 Is the commitment verifiable?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

  • Specific: The second commitment distinctly outlines four milestones, each accompanied by implementation dates. Simultaneously, the commitment precisely addresses the identified problem: the essential operation of the Ethics Officer and the Ethics Committee for the full institutionalization of the ethics and integrity system in Yerevan Municipality. This aligns with paragraph 3.16 of Appendix 2 (Pillar 3: human resource management and public service) of the RA Government’s May 13, 2022 Decision No. 691-L, titled “Strategy of Public Administration Reforms, roadmap, and result framework for 2022-2024.” The commitment aims to address the lack of necessary knowledge and skills among integrity officers and municipal employees in Yerevan Municipality.
  • Verifiable: The commitment establishes measurable milestones that can be assessed by various parties, facilitating the documentation of the commitment’s fulfillment. This ensures transparency and accountability in the evaluation process.
  • Answerable: Yerevan Municipality is clearly designated as the main agency responsible for implementation, aligning with the commitment’s scope. Additionally, other state institutions involved include the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures, the Staff of the RA Prime Minister, and Civil Service Office State administration bodies. Furthermore, two Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and an international project, namely “Freedom of Information Center” NGO, “Transparency International, Anticorruption Center” NGO, and USAID’S ARMENIA INTEGRITY PROJECT (AIP), play roles in implementing the commitment.
  • Time-bound: The commitment includes a defined completion date: Commitment End – August 2023. This clear timeline contributes to accountability and facilitates monitoring of progress towards fulfilling the commitment.

Provide evidence for your answer:

2.2 Does the commitment language/activities clearly justify relevance to OGP values?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The second commitment is designed to uphold public accountability and transparency by implementing an integrity system that enhances information provision among community service providers and decision-makers. This commitment aligns with OGP values, particularly the principle of Public Accountability. The primary objective is to establish an integrity system within the Yerevan Municipality. This system aims to elevate the overall integrity of community servants, enhance their integrity-related skills, and positively impact their perception of integrity.

2.3 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:

A continuation of ongoing practice in line with existing legislation, policies, or requirements.

Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

This commitment is currently being partially implemented within the municipality, aligning with the objectives outlined in paragraph 3.16 of Appendix 2 (Pillar 3: human resource management and public service) of the RA Government’s Decision No. 691-L dated May 13, 2022, titled “Strategy of public administration reforms, roadmap, and result framework for 2022-2024.” The commitment seeks to achieve full institutionalization of the ethics and integrity system in the state system.

Furthermore, within the framework of the OGP, efforts are underway to enhance its effectiveness. This involves capacity building for relevant staff and the implementation of an evaluation tool. It’s important to note that this initiative does not introduce a new policy or regulation but focuses on improving the efficiency of the existing framework

Provide evidence for your answer:

  • Commitment – Establishment of an Integrity System

2.4 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:

Is a positive change to a process, practice, or policy but will not generate a binding or institutionalized change across government or specific institution(s).

Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The commitment represents a positive shift in processes and practices but falls short of mandating or institutionalizing changes within the government or specific institution(s). Presently, Yerevan Municipality has an integrity specialist, yet the system is not fully executed, and employees lack awareness and training in this regard.

To address this, thematic verification tasks will be carried out among community servants to assess the effectiveness of training courses and the initial phase of educational modules. Additionally, guidelines will be developed, and an electronic tool for well-being assessment will be created.

Provide evidence for your answer:

2.5 Are there any recommended changes to the design of the commitment to help improve its implementation?

Different integrity mechanisms are used in different formats in local or state departments, but the situation does not change significantly. A mechanism of public participation could be introduced here as if the public would appreciate the benevolence of a public servant․

To enhance the implementation of the commitment aimed at introducing an integrity system in Yerevan Municipality, the following recommended changes can be considered:

Clear Objectives and Metrics:
Clearly define specific and measurable objectives for the integrity system implementation. Outline key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge the improvement in the degree of integrity, integrity abilities, and perception of integrity among community servants.

Inclusive Training Approach:
Ensure that the series of training sessions are inclusive and tailored to the diverse roles and responsibilities of municipal servants, members of the Ethics Committee, and integrity officers. Adapt training content to address specific needs and challenges within each group.

Community Engagement:
Consider incorporating community engagement elements to raise public awareness of the integrity system. Outline how the commitment involves citizens and ensures their understanding and support for the introduced measures.

Long-Term Sustainability:
Develop a strategy for the long-term sustainability of the integrity system. Address plans for continuous training, updates, and improvements to ensure that the system remains effective over time.

By incorporating these recommendations, the commitment can be strengthened to ensure its effectiveness, sustainability, and alignment with broader government initiatives aimed at enhancing ethics and integrity in public service.

3 Commitment :

Establishment of the “Green Development” Platform

3.1 Is the commitment verifiable?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

  • Specific: The third commitment clearly identifies 3 results with 5 milestones and implementation dates for each milestone. At the same time, the commitment precisely describes the problem it is trying to solve: Tough Larg-scale works have been carried out and are being carried out in the direction of using renewable energy sources, thermal insulation of apartment and public buildings, increasing the level of energy efficiency, modernizing the transport system and using smart solutions, there is no a unified, transparent, innovative system called “Green development” platform, which will enable all interested parties to be aware of the works mentioned above and the measures of the works mentioned above and the measures implemented
  • Verifiable: There is need to enhance the specificity of the expected results. Clearly outline the anticipated impact of reduced greenhouse gas emissions and electricity savings resulting from energy efficiency projects. The millstones are overall measurable and can be checked by different parties and document the fulfillment of the commitment. But there is need to incorporate specific milestones to track the progress of the commitment. Would be better to break down the action steps, especially related to the creation of the “Green Development” platform and the development of sustainability standards, into measurable milestones with deadlines.
  • Answerable: The commitment clearly specifies the main agency responsible for implementation: Yerevan Municipality and “Yerevan City Management Technology Center” CJSC which are relevant for the commitment. Ther is one CSO that is involved and have a role in implementing the commitment: “Freedom of Information Center” NGO.
  • Time-bound: The commitment includes a defined completion date: Commitment End – January 2024. This clear timeline contributes to accountability and facilitates monitoring of progress towards fulfilling the commitment.

Provide evidence for your answer:

  • Commitment: Establishment of the “Green development” Platform
  • Facebook post
  • Within the framework of the 1st commitment undertaken by the action plan of Yerevan Local Open Government Partnership, a section was created on the official website of Yerevan Municipality,, where complete information on public discussions is posted.

3.2 Does the commitment language/activities clearly justify relevance to OGP values?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The third commitment corresponds to these OGP Values.
Access to Information:
The commitment outlined in the action plan aligns with the value of “Access to Information” by providing the public with access to details regarding projects carried out within the realm of sustainable urban development.

Public Accountability:
Fulfilling this commitment will establish public accountability for both ongoing and planned projects.

As part of the “OGP Local” action plan, there is a proposal to establish a platform named “Green Development” on the official website of the Yerevan Municipality. This platform will showcase information on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the municipality’s energy-efficient projects. Regular updates to the platform will include data on diminished greenhouse gas emissions and electricity conservation attributed to energy efficiency projects. The platform’s objectives encompass encouraging municipal organizations to adhere to sustainability standards, earning the corresponding “Green Seal.” Furthermore, it will facilitate the acquisition of goods and services through “Green Procurement” procedures, contributing to sustainable consumption and production. The successful implementation of this commitment is expected to enhance awareness and monitoring of “green” programs.

3.3 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:

A new regulation, policy, practice, or requirement.

Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

Yerevan Municipality proposes the initiation of a “Green Development” program, aiming for a comprehensive approach to sustainable practices across all levels of municipal management. The project comprises three key components:

Green Actions:
The Municipality will provide a web report on greenhouse gas emissions, outlining measures taken to mitigate their impact.

Green Seal:
Yerevan Municipality plans to confer annual Green Seals to institutions and departments within its jurisdiction based on their adherence to sustainability standards. The objective is for all structures within Yerevan Municipality to fully comply with Green Seal standards by 2028.

Green Procurement:
Yerevan Municipality commits to procuring goods and services that contribute to sustainable consumption and production.

The absence of a unified platform in Yerevan creates a noteworthy opportunity for other communities to adopt and customize this platform for their specific needs. This initiative sets the groundwork for potential replication and localization in various communities.

3.4 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:

Will result in a change of the rules, practices, or policies that govern a policy area, public sector, and/or relationship between citizens and is binding or institutionalized across government or specific institution(s).

Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

Execution of this commitment will usher in modifications to rules, practices, and inter-institutional relationships. This may necessitate the formulation of new regulations to govern sustained collaboration between diverse institutions in the long term. The commitment’s impact extends beyond immediate changes, influencing the dynamics and structures that govern institutional interactions.

Provide evidence for your answer:

3.5 Are there any recommended changes to the design of the commitment to help improve its implementation?

Define Evaluation Criteria:
Clearly define the criteria and methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the Green Seal program and the impact of sustainability standards. Establish a mechanism for regular assessments and adjustments to ensure continuous improvement.

Community Engagement:
Enhance community engagement by specifying how the platform will encourage public participation and awareness. Consider incorporating feedback mechanisms to gather input from the public and community-based organizations.

Partnerships and Collaboration:
Explore opportunities for collaboration with local environmental organizations, research institutions, and other stakeholders. Building partnerships can amplify the impact of the commitment and contribute to a more comprehensive approach.

Monitoring and Reporting:
Clearly outline the monitoring and reporting mechanisms for the “Green Development” platform. Establish a transparent reporting system that provides regular updates on greenhouse gas emission reductions, energy savings, and other relevant metrics.

Capacity Building:
Include a plan for capacity building within Yerevan Municipality to ensure that staff members are adequately trained and equipped to implement and manage the “Green Development” program effectively.

By incorporating these recommendations, the commitment can be strengthened to achieve its goals more effectively and contribute significantly to addressing the challenges related to climate change and sustainable urban development in Yerevan.

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