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Marcin Walecki

Senior Resident Country Director for the National Democratic Institute in Ukraine

Dr Marcin Walecki is the Senior Resident Country Director for the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in Ukraine. He returned to NDI in 2022 with more than 25 years of democracy assistance and governance experience working in roughly 50 countries around the world, implementing programs dealing with democratic governance, anti-corruption and political finance, political party assistance, and gender equality. Prior to rejoining the Ukraine team, Mr. Walecki served as the executive director of the EUROPAEUM, a network of eighteen leading European Universities, as well as the Head of the Democratization Department and Chief of Democratic Governance with OSCE/ODIHR for over 10 years. He also worked at the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) as the Executive Director, as a Senior Advisor for political finance for the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), and as a Senior Expert for the Institute of Public Affairs and Batory Foundation. Mr. Walecki began his career at NDI as a Resident Program Officer on the Poland team and later on the Ukraine team, implementing projects related to political parties and coalition building. He has written numerous publications on democratization, political finance and democratic governance. He is fluent in English, Polish, Ukrainian, and Russian. Marcin holds a D.Phil. from Oxford University.

Authored Content

European Parliament 2024

We Must Protect Our Democracies Before It Is Too Late

In this pivotal moment, our response will shape the future of democratic resilience and security. It's time to clean our own houses and strengthen our democracies, reinforcing the global fight against kleptocracy and corruption. The urgency of these reforms cannot be overstated. We must act now, before it is too late.

Open Government Partnership