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End of Commitment Report – Design a participation model for policies and projects with a territorial impact


Name of Evaluator

Núria Pérez Milán


Member Name

Cataluña (España)

Action Plan Title

Action plan – Catalonia, Spain, 2021 – 2023


Design a participation model for policies and projects with a territorial impact


Design a participation model for policies and projects with a territorial impact, in order to collectively create a participation model for projects that have an impact on the territory as a whole and affect all of Catalan society as well as multiple levels of public administration. The model must incorporate systems for consulting citizens regarding the most important projects (these systems must also allow for data-based verification); frameworks for multi-level administrative coordination and monitoring and follow-up with citizens; long-term political commitment; transparency and comprehensible language on the part of the administrations involved; training for the different actors involved; innovative methodologies; a variety of communication and participation channels; and outcomes organized in line with the SDGs.The model must be designed in accordance with a participatory pilot process that includes some of the aforementioned elements, which will act as a trial.


Involving citizens and all of the actors in tackling challenges that have a territorial impact and require collective solutions. Generating cross-cutting approaches and visions at the territorial level. Generating cross-cutting debates regarding territorial challenges at the supra-municipal level. Need to improve transparency, trust and coherence. Having a high-quality model that can be extrapolated to administrations at different levels. Including people of all ages in the participatory process. Equal treatment and equal opportunities in diversity.

Section 1.
Commitment completion

1.1 What was the overall level of progress in the commitment implementation at the time of this assessment?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The overall level of progress in implementing the commitment has been substantial for the various initially proposed actions. First, a model for citizen participation in urban and territorial projects has been designed, taking into account their specificities. This model presents critical elements to consider, as well as options for implementing citizen participation mechanisms and innovative methodologies based on the objectives and timelines of the urban projects. This model was first reviewed with the Department of Territory, and in a second phase, a participation process was developed with key internal and external stakeholders to conduct a strategic reflection that resulted in a diagnosis and prioritization of actions to be promoted.

Provide evidence that supports and justifies your answer:

1.2 Describe the main external or internal factors that impacted implementation of this commitment and how they were addressed (or not).

The Generalitat of Catalonia has undergone various government changes in recent years, leading to the formation of new management teams and departmental reassignment of the involved units. Despite this, communication between the technical teams has been maintained, and progress has been made in light of this context. On the other hand, one element to consider is the lack of specialized teams for citizen participation within the Department of Territory. The strategic diagnosis has highlighted this issue.

1.3 Was the commitment implemented as originally planned?

Few of the commitment milestones were implemented as planned

Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

While an initial model for citizen participation in urban and territorial projects was initially defined, it was later deemed necessary to conduct a strategic reflection through a participatory process with the involved stakeholders. This process focused on identifying the needs and actions to be prioritized by those working on promoting such urban and territorial projects. Therefore, a pilot project implementing some of the proposed actions has not yet been carried out. In this regard, the General Subdirectorate of Citizen Participation continues to work with the Department of Territory to consolidate the citizen participation model in urban and territorial projects.

Section 2.
Did it open government?

2.1.1. – Did the government disclose more information; improve the quality of the information (new or existing); improve the value of the information; improve the channels to disclose or request information or improve accessibility to information?


Degree of result:


Explanation: In narrative form, what has been the impact on people or practice.

One of the conclusions from the strategic reflection with involved stakeholders and the prioritization of actions for the participation model in urban and territorial projects has been the need to improve the way information is communicated and to provide comprehensible information in clear language about urban and territorial projects.

2.1.2. – Did the government create new opportunities to seek feedback from citizens/enable participation inform or influence decisions; improve existing channels or spaces to seek feedback from citizens/enable participation/ inform or influence decisions; create or improve capabilities in the government or the public aimed to improve how the government seeks feedback from citizens/enables participation/ or allows for the public to inform or influence decisions?

Not Applicable

Explanation: In narrative form, what has been the impact on people or practice.

The participants in the strategic reflection included individuals from various units within the Generalitat of Catalonia, local administration personnel, and representatives from entities outside the administration. Their responses to the evaluation form indicate that the participants believe this exercise has helped improve the network of relationships among those involved in the subject matter and has made progress in enhancing the relationship between citizens and the administration.

Provide evidence for your answer:

2.1.3 Did the government create or improve channels, opportunities or capabilities to hold officials answerable to their actions?

Not Applicable

2.1.4 Other Results


Degree of result:


Explanation: In narrative form, what has been the impact on people or practice.

The work carried out has established new options for continuing to improve the citizen participation model of the Department of Territory. Notably, there has been a shift in orientation regarding collaboration with the Subdirectorate of Citizen Participation. The approach has moved from supporting and advising on specific citizen participation processes to providing more strategic guidance and having a greater impact.

2.2 Did the commitment address the public policy problem that it intended to address as described in the action plan?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The commitment allowed for addressing the issue at hand and laid the groundwork for future actions to improve the citizen participation model of the Department of Territory and establish a more strategic collaboration with the General Subdirectorate of Citizen Participation.

Section 3.
Lessons from

3. Provide at least one lesson or reflection relating to the implementation of this commitment. It can be the identification of key barriers to implementation, an unexpected help/hindrance, recommendations for future commitments, or if the commitment should be taken forward to the next action plan.

A lesson learned has been the need to collaborate and work closely with those responsible for urban and territorial projects who are not specialists in citizen participation but are actively involved in these projects. This approach has enabled a better diagnosis of their needs, the applicability of potential actions, and the establishment of priorities based on their capabilities.

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