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Germany Action Plan Review 2023-2025 – For Public Comment

In 2024, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Action Plan Review for Germany’s fourth action plan. The report provides a technical review of the action plan’s characteristics and the strengths and challenges the IRM identifies to inform a stronger implementation process.

In Germany, the IRM’s findings are summarized below:

Germany’s fourth action plan features commitments on a range of topics, mainly in the fields of transparency and open data. The most promising commitments come from the coalition agreement and include the introduction of a Federal Transparency Act and transparency guidelines for public-private partnerships (PPPs). Civil society mentioned that the co-creation process did not offer them sufficient opportunities to shape the content of the action plan. The IRM restates recommendations to institutionalize the OGP process for better co-creation of future action plans.

The report is available in English and in German. The public comment period closed 5 July 2024.


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