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Five Recommendations to Connect Youth with Public Institutions in Quintana Roo

Recomendaciones para Conectar a la Juventud con las Instituciones Públicas en Quintana Roo

María José Tejero|

Thirty-two percent of the population of Quintana Roo (Mexico) is made up of teenagers and young people between 12 and 29 years of age. Thanks to their ability to drive change and adapt to new technologies and innovative approaches, young people have the enormous potential to contribute to the social, economic, and political development of communities.

However, in a survey carried out in 2021 by Ciudadan@s por la Transparencia (CxT) and UnidosMX, 68 percent of young people did not feel included and 88 percent wanted more opportunities to participate.

As part of its OGP action plan in 2022, the government of the state of Quintana Roo, CxT, and UnidosMX co-created and implemented a protocol to integrate youth into political life and government decision-making.

The protocol includes five recommendations for government institutions to create channels of collaboration with young people and create better spaces for integration and citizen participation. These recommendations are:

  • Productively communicate its interest in bringing youth closer to the institution. Public institutions must express an interest in having young people participate. This includes sharing points of contact and reaching out on digital communication channels.
  • Implement innovative interaction processes or tools. This includes using strategies or technologies that allow for better interaction, such as the use of chatbots or challenging participation exercises.
  • Socialize the work of the institution in a creative way. Share what the institution does and what its objectives are through materials that use clear language and include a gender perspective.
  • Involve youth in the process of creating social development policies. It is important to ensure that young people participate in all stages of the planning, implementation, and evaluation process of public projects and programs as active actors, rather than as recipients of information.
  • Be transparent and accountable about the results of the protocol. Prepare and periodically share a report that highlights success stories and the contributions of youth in the implementation of projects.

In addition to the protocol, CxT and UnidosMX co-created a manual called “Ciudadanx Chidx,” a resource that explains how to understand government and how to improve our cities in very simple language. The manual has examples of civic participation in action as well as information about participation mechanisms and how to access them.

The protocol and manual have been the starting point to involve youth in the construction of the Strategic Plan for Sustainable Development of Quintana Roo (PEDS) for 2050.

Through the #ImaginaQuintanaRoo campaign, CxT and the state’s public institutions have carried out a series of activities with 300 young people from various universities in Cancún to empower and integrate them in the participatory planning process of the PEDS of Quintana Roo.

At CxT, we generate citizen dialogues to gather ideas and perspectives that will be integrated into the entire planning process and development of long-term strategies and policies. These actions have allowed us to build foundations of communication and trust between youth and the government, confirming that processes of inclusion and constant dialogue are key to building a more inclusive and participatory society.

Youth participants in the #ImaginaQuintanaRoo campaign to plan the future of sustainable development in the state. Credit: CxT

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