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End of Commitment Report – Banggai One Data


Name of Evaluator

Yanto Naim


Member Name

Banggai, Indonesia

Action Plan Title

Action plan – Banggai, Indonesia, 2021 – 2024


Banggai One Data


This Banggai One Data commitment aims to reform data governance in Banggai Regency to produce quality, open data and information according to the one data principle: 1) Data Standard (methodology includes concept, definition, scope, classification, measure, and unit) 2) Meta Data (structured information that serves to describe the content and source of data) 3) Interoperability (the ability of data to be shared), and 4) Reference Codes (generated data must use reference codes and master data available in the data portal). It aims to support planning, implementation, evaluation, and control of development. Another goal is to accelerate digital transformation to support the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) implementation through the Banggai one Data Portal.


The National Policy on Indonesia One Data to encourage open government has not yet been implemented in Banggai Regency. Information disclosure and valid, complete, accurate, and integrated development data are needed as critical instruments in achieving an open and informative government. Still, it has not yet been fully implemented. Data Governance within the Banggai Regency Government is not optimal, indicated by weak data coordination between Regional Apparatuses. Data is not well integrated and updated regularly. Moreover, human resource capacity to coordinate, collect, manage, analyze and utilize data is insufficient. The Index of The Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) of Banggai Regency is in the Less category.

Section 1.
Commitment completion

1.1 What was the overall level of progress in the commitment implementation at the time of this assessment?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

All programs are running and being implemented effectively by the activity implementers. In the first year, the Banggai Regent formed a team involving parties deemed competent, established through the Banggai Regent’s Decree. The formation was initially done through Banggai Regent’s Decree Number  555/336/DKISP of 2022, which was later amended by Banggai Regent’s Decree Number 050.13/1340/ Bappelitbangda of 2023, establishing the Operational Technical Team for the Banggai One Data Forum in Banggai Regency.
The government views the Banggai One Data Program positively, recognizing it as an essential tool to support a more transparent, efficient, and responsive government that meets community needs. This program is also part of a broader effort to strengthen governance through improved and more integrated data management.
There is a strong commitment to the program’s action plan and implementation, and we conclude that the program has been successfully completed.

Provide evidence that supports and justifies your answer:

1.2 Describe the main external or internal factors that impacted the implementation of this commitment and how they were addressed (or not).

External Factors

  1. Government Regulations: Regulations from the central and regional governments greatly influence the implementation of this program. Compliance with national policies such as Law Number 25 of 2004 concerning the National Development
    Planning System and Presidential Regulation Number 39 of 2019 concerning One Data Indonesia is a challenge in itself. Handling: The Banggai Regency government is trying to ensure that the Banggai One Data program is in line with applicable regulations, including adjusting the program to existing regulations and consulting with the central government.
  2. Technology and Infrastructure: The availability of adequate information technology infrastructure is very important for the implementation of this program. Factors such as a stable internet network and the availability of supporting software and hardware are very influential. Handling: Banggai Regency needs to invest in IT infrastructure, including developing an internet network in areas that have not been reached and providing the necessary devices.
  3. Human Resources: The availability of experts outside the government, such as consultants or IT service providers, is also an influential external factor. Handling: The local government can collaborate with third parties who have expertise in information technology and data management to assist in the implementation of the program.

Internal Factors

  1. Local Government Commitment: The level of commitment of local governments, from leaders to employees at the operational level, greatly determines the success of the program. Without full support from the internal government, this program will be difficult to run well. Handling: Increase awareness and understanding of the importance of the One Data program through training and socialization to all employees, and ensure strong leadership that supports this program.
  2. Internal HR Capacity: The competence of local government employees in terms of data management, use of information technology, and understanding of the importance of quality data are also determining factors for success. Handling: Increase HR capacity through training, workshops, and education related to data management and the use of technology needed in implementing this program.
  3. Organizational Culture: The existing bureaucratic culture, such as resistance to change and lack of collaboration between agencies, can hinder the implementation process. Handling: Changes need to be made to the organizational culture to be more open to innovation and cross-sectoral cooperation, for example, through internal campaigns, establishing work rules that support collaboration, and providing incentives for good performance in program implementation.

1.3 Was the commitment implemented as originally planned?

Most of the commitment milestones were implemented as planned.

Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The achievement of commitments, which were mostly successfully implemented according to plan in the Banggai One Data Program, demonstrates significant progress in data integration and management efforts within the Banggai Regency. Key indicators of success include:

  1. Implementation of Data Infrastructure
  2. Alignment with National Policy
  3. Improvement of Data Quality
  4. Strengthening of Inter-Agency Collaboration
  5. Increasing Human Resource Capacity

Provide evidence that supports and justifies your answer:

Section 2.
Did it open government?

2.1.1. – Did the government disclose more information; improve the quality of the information (new or existing); improve the value of the information; improve the channels to disclose or request information or improve accessibility to information?


Degree of result:


Explanation: In narrative form, what has been the impact on people or practice.

The implementation of the Banggai Satu Data Program commitment significantly contributes to the openness of the Banggai Regency government.

  • Public Access to Data
    With Banggai Satu Data, the public has easier and more transparent access to data and information managed by the local government. Openly available data allows the public to monitor and evaluate government performance and participate in the decision-making process.
  • Increased Accountability
    This program promotes greater government accountability by ensuring that data used for decision-making and development planning can be accounted for. With structured and integrated data, every policy or program implemented by the local government has a clear and auditable basis.
  • Transparency in Public Services
    Banggai Satu Data enhances transparency across various aspects of public services, including budget allocation, implementation of development projects, and the distribution of social assistance. Openly managed data helps prevent corruption, budget misuse, and irregularities in public services.
  • Collaboration and Citizen Participation
    This program facilitates collaboration between the government, the community, and other stakeholders. With open data, citizens can provide more relevant input on public policies and participate in monitoring their implementation.
  • Public Trust
    The transparency achieved through the implementation of Banggai Satu Data helps increase public trust in the Banggai Regency government. When the public feels that the government is transparent and the data provided is accessible and reliable, the level of trust in the government tends to rise.

Provide evidence that supports and justifies your answer:

2.1.2. – Did the government create new opportunities to seek feedback from citizens/enable participation inform or influence decisions; improve existing channels or spaces to seek feedback from citizens/enable participation/ inform or influence decisions; create or improve capabilities in the government or the public aimed to improve how the government seeks feedback from citizens/enables participation/ or allows for the public to inform or influence decisions?


Degree of result:


Explanation: In narrative form, what has been the impact on people or practice.

The Banggai Regency government, through the implementation of the Banggai One Data Program, has taken significant steps to create and enhance opportunities and channels for seeking feedback from citizens, enabling participation, providing information, and influencing decision-making.

  1. Creating New Opportunities for Feedback and Participation
    • Open Data Portal Development: The government has created an open data portal as part of the Banggai One Data Program. This portal provides the public with direct access to government-managed data and information. Through this portal, citizens can offer direct feedback, assess data quality, and suggest improvements or additions as needed.
    • Online Public Consultation Initiative: In addition to the open data platform, the government has introduced an online public consultation forum. This forum allows the public to participate in policy discussions, ask questions, and provide input directly related to the data and information provided by the government.
  2. Improving Existing Channels or Spaces
    • Optimizing Social Media and Complaint Applications: The government has increased the use of official social media and online complaint applications to be more effective in reaching the public. This enables citizens to express their opinions, criticisms, and suggestions more easily and provides a faster response to the issues raised.
    • Strengthening Collaboration with Civil Society Organizations: The government has strengthened collaboration with civil society organizations to gather feedback from various levels of society. This collaboration also ensures that the voices of underrepresented groups in formal processes are heard.
  3. Creating or Improving Capabilities in Government and Society
    • Training for Government Apparatus: The government has conducted training and workshops to enhance the capabilities of its personnel in utilizing data for openness and public participation. This includes training on the use of information technology, data analysis, and effective public communication.
    • Community Education and Empowerment: The government also aims to empower the public through education on the importance of participation in decision-making. This education includes how to access and use public data, as well as how citizens can influence policies through existing mechanisms.

2.1.3 Did the government create or improve channels, opportunities or capabilities to hold officials answerable to their actions?


Degree of result:


Explanation: In narrative form, what has been the impact on people or practice.

The Banggai Regency government has taken steps to create and improve channels, opportunities, and the ability of the community to demand accountability from officials implementing the Banggai One Data Program.

  1. Creating New Channels and Opportunities for Accountability
    • Open Data Portal: The data portal developed as part of the Banggai One Data Program provides the community with direct access to information and data managed by the government. Through this portal, the community can observe how data is used in decision-making and evaluate the government’s performance as well as the implementing officials. It also offers a space for the public to provide input and ask questions that require explanations from relevant officials.
    • Online Complaint Applications and Social Media: The government has introduced or enhanced the use of online complaint applications and official social media platforms. The community can utilize these channels to report deficiencies or problems in program implementation, as well as request explanations or actions from implementing officials. These channels also enable the public to demand greater transparency in program execution.
  2. Improving the Ability of the Community and Government to Demand Accountability
    • Training and Education for the Community: The government has conducted training and education initiatives aimed at empowering the community to understand public data and how this data can be used to demand accountability from officials. This education helps communities comprehend their rights and utilize available channels effectively to demand accountability.
    • Strengthening Internal Oversight Functions: At the governmental level, internal oversight functions have been strengthened, such as through regional inspectorates that are more proactive in monitoring the implementation of the Banggai Satu Data Program. Implementing officials are required to periodically report on the progress and outcomes of the program, which can then be audited by the supervisory body, with results made public.
  3. Increasing Transparency and Public Accountability
    • Periodic Reports and Performance Publications: The Banggai Regency Government has committed to publishing periodic reports that detail the performance and achievements of the Banggai Satu Data Program. These reports are made available to the public via the data portal or government website, allowing the public to assess how well the program has been implemented in line with its commitments.
    • Public Consultation and Discussion Forums: The government has organized public consultation and discussion forums where the public can directly engage with implementing officials. In these forums, officials provide explanations on program policies and their implementation, while also listening to input and criticisms from residents.

2.1.4 Other Results

Not Applicable

2.2 Did the commitment address the public policy problem that it intended to address as described in the action plan?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The commitments implemented in the Banggai One Data Program are designed to address several public policy issues identified in the program’s action plan.

The commitments implemented in the Banggai One Data Program are designed to address several public policy issues that have been identified in the program’s action plan.

  1. Data Fragmentation and Inaccuracy
    • Problem: Before the implementation of this program, data held by various government agencies in Banggai Regency was often fragmented, inconsistent, and inaccurate. This caused difficulties in evidence-based policy planning and effective decision-making.
    • Solution Achieved: The commitments in the Banggai One Data Program focused on integrating data from various agencies, ensuring that data used by the government is accurate, consistent, and reliable. Through the development of an integrated data portal and the implementation of better data management standards, the problems of data fragmentation and inaccuracy have been successfully overcome. This allows for more effective and data-driven policymaking.
  2. Limited Public Access to Information
    • Problem: Before this program, public access to data and information held by local governments was very limited. This hampers community participation in decision-making and reduces the level of government transparency.
    • Solution Achieved: The program significantly increased public access to government data through an open data portal and other transparency mechanisms. The commitment to providing easy access to public data helps address the problem of limited information, allowing the public to be more involved in monitoring and participating in the policy process.
  3. Lack of Public Participation in Decision-Making
    • Problem: Lack of public participation in decision-making often becomes an obstacle to creating policies that truly reflect the needs and aspirations of the community. The community feels marginalized and does not have the means to influence public policy.
    • Solution Achieved: Commitments in Banggai Satu Data include the development of new channels for public participation, such as consultation forums, online complaint applications, and social media. By increasing the space for participation, the program helps address the problem of low public participation and ensures that the voice of the community is more heard in the policy process.
  4. Weak Accountability of Public Officials
    • Problem: Prior to the implementation of the program, there were weaknesses in the accountability mechanisms for public officials, which often resulted in a lack of transparency in the implementation of government policies and projects.
    • Solution Achieved: The Banggai Satu Data program strengthens accountability mechanisms by creating channels for the public to hold implementing officials accountable. Regular reports, public consultation forums, and access to open data all serve to increase transparency and ensure that public officials are held accountable for their actions.

Section 3.
Lessons from

3. Provide at least one lesson or reflection relating to the implementation of this commitment. It can be the identification of key barriers to implementation, an unexpected help/hindrance, recommendations for future commitments, or if the commitment should be taken forward to the next action plan.

The implementation of the commitments in the Banggai Satu Data Program offers several valuable lessons that can be applied in similar initiatives in the future.

  1. The Importance of Adequate Infrastructure and Technology
    • Lesson: The successful implementation of the Banggai Satu Data Program is highly dependent on the development of adequate technological infrastructure. The availability of hardware, software, and a reliable internet network are important foundations to support data integration and public access to information.
    • Action: In the future, similar initiatives should ensure that adequate investment is made in technological infrastructure, as well as a plan for ongoing maintenance and improvement.
  2. Broad Stakeholder Engagement
    • Lesson: The engagement of various stakeholders, including government agencies, communities, and civil society organizations, is key to the success of this program. Good collaboration between these parties helps overcome obstacles, identify needs, and ensure that the program runs according to its stated objectives.
    • Action: Future initiatives should involve stakeholders from the planning stage to implementation, and provide ongoing participation mechanisms to ensure the program remains relevant and effective.
  3. Importance of Standardization and Data Quality
    • Lesson: Data standardization and improving data quality are essential elements in creating a reliable and publicly accessible data system. The Banggai Satu Data program demonstrated that without standardization, integrated data can be inconsistent and difficult to use for effective decision-making.
    • Action: Future programs should establish clear standards for data collection, management, and dissemination, and conduct training and oversight to ensure that these standards are implemented
  4. Transparency Increases Public Trust
    • Lesson: Transparency in data management and decision-making processes not only increases accountability but also builds public trust in government. The program successfully increased public participation by providing open access to relevant information.
    • Action: Similar initiatives should focus on increasing transparency in all aspects of the program, including through the provision of clear and easily accessible information to the public.
  5. The Need for Education and Capacity Building
    • Lesson: Capacity building for government officials and the public is a crucial step in ensuring the success of the program. Training provided to government staff in data management and education to the public about the importance of public participation greatly supports the effectiveness of the program.
    • Action: Future programs should include ongoing education and training components to ensure that all parties involved have the skills needed to implement and support the program.
  6. Ongoing Monitoring and Accountability
    • Lessons Learned: Effective monitoring and clear accountability mechanisms are essential elements in maintaining the integrity and sustainability of the program. Banggai Satu Data shows that communities play a significant role in overseeing program implementation and holding implementing officials accountable.
    • Action: Future programs should integrate robust monitoring mechanisms and enable communities to actively participate in program monitoring and evaluation.

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