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Action plan – Bar, Montenegro, 2024 – 2026



Action Plan: Action plan – Bar, Montenegro, 2024 – 2026

Action Plan Submission: 2024
Action Plan End: October 2026

Lead Institution: Office of the President of the Municipality, Secretariat for Local Economic Development, Secretariat for Local Self-Government, Secretariat for Finance, Secretariat for Sport and Youth



Dec 2026

Date Submitted

29th November 2024


With the adoption of the first Open Government Partnership Local Action Plan (LAP), the Municipality of Bar and the Multisectoral Forum “Bar for Bar” (MSF) have as their strategic goal to contribute to the application of the principles of good governance at the local level. The implementation of the accompanying AP should contribute to a more open, transparent, and accountable administration, service-oriented towards citizens, but at the same time to empower citizens and strengthen their capacities to participate in the performance of public affairs, first in the following five areas of public interest: anti-corruption, public policy making, environmental protection.

Open Government Challenges, Opportunities and Strategic Vision

What is the long-term vision for open government in your context and jurisdiction?

The long-term vision of open government is open, efficient, and accountable administration, and an inclusive process of public policy-making at the local level, as well as strengthening cooperation between local government and civil society organizations in various areas of public interest.

What are the achievements in open government to date (for example, recent open government reforms)?

From the achievements so far in terms of creating open government, we would like to single out the following:

  • Introduction of the electronic service “” which enables insight into tax rules on real estate in the territory of the Municipality of Bar and electronic payment of real estate tax and tourist tax,
  • Strengthened partnership with NGOs in Bar through the award of institutional grants, with a special focus on organizations representing vulnerable social groups. In the last three years, 456.000,00 euros have been allocated from the municipal budget for NGO projects.
  • Partnership with local civil society organizations and foreign partner cities and institutions through the implementation of several EU cross-border cooperation projects

Establishment of the local MSF “Bar for Bar” as a consultative mechanism between local government and civil society, formed for the purpose of establishing the OGP and co-creating the Local OGP Action Plan in Bar. The establishment of this body, as a permanent forum for dialogue, provides a structure for regular, two-way communication between local self-government, NGO representatives, and citizens. Its work is designed to achieve real effects in transparency, accountability, and participation. This is an advisory body, with a focus on consensus building, collective action, and co-creation. As a result, we can already see increased cross-sectoral cooperation and dialogue on issues of public interest.

What are the current challenges/areas for improvement in open government that the jurisdiction wishes to tackle?

Current challenges and areas for improvement of open government in these areas are recognized:


  • Development of internal procedures for dealing with reports of endangerment of public interest that indicate the existence of corruption and requests for whistleblower protection;
  • Developing a model for quality reporting on the implementation of the Free Access to Information Law.

Increasing public participation in policy-making:

  • Low level of citizen participation in the policymaking process;
  • Existing models of citizen involvement in decision-making processes are underutilized and ineffective;
  • Lack of a strategic approach in public policy planning.

Environmental protection:

  • Lack of a planned approach to solving and preventing challenges in the field of environmental protection.

What are the medium-term open government goals that the government wants to achieve?

  • Strengthening the efficiency of the system for meeting citizens’ requests for information;
  • Increasing the engagement of citizens in procedures of public interest to improve the life of the community and solve local issues;
  • Introducing new practices and measures to promote and enforce the rule of law.

How does this action plan contribute to achieve the Open Government Strategic Vision?

  • Commitment in the field of anti-corruption contributes to the establishment of a strong and effective anti-corruption framework, promoting transparency and citizen engagement. The measure aims to create a more inclusive, accountable, and corruption-resilient governance system. The Civic Space for Monitoring Anti-Corruption Policies empowers citizens to actively participate in the anti-corruption efforts of the local government.
  • Commitment in the field of public policymaking contributes to empowering citizens to participate in public policy-making processes so that policies are shaped according to their needs, with the application of participation models that are effective, free, and adapted to different target groups, which affects the strengthening of civic activism and civic culture in general.
  • Commitment in the field of environmental protection contributes to the strengthening of the strategic and inclusive approach to environmental protection.

How does the open government strategic vision contribute to the accomplishment of the current administration’s overall policy goals?

The strategic vision of open government contributes to the achievement of the general public-policy goals of the current local government in Bar. The overall goal of the Strategic Development Plan of the Municipality of Bar 2020-2025, as an umbrella strategic document, is “a municipality of dynamic and sustainable economic growth and development, open to all citizens”. The Strategic Development Plan of the Municipality of Bar creates a favorable environment for future investments, for further construction of infrastructure, strengthening of the economy – tourism, agriculture, and other branches, while preserving the environment, as well as for the creation of a larger number of better jobs. Also, this document represents a framework for improving conditions in the fields of education, health, sports, culture, and social policy, and in general for showing adequate care for the needs of all citizens. The POU strategic vision is a complement, but not an overlap of obligations and measures, which contribute to the set overall goal.

Insistence on the application of the principles of good governance, framed by OGP standards and practice, through concrete measures and activities, is complementary to other public policy activities in the field of improvement and empowerment of the local community.

Engagement and Coordination in the Open Government Strategic Vision and OGP Action Plan

Please list the lead institutions responsible for the implementation of this OGP action plan.

  • Office of the President of the Municipality
  • Secretariat for Local Economic Development
  • Secretariat for Local Self-Government
  • Secretariat for Finance
  • Secretariat for Sport and Youth

What kind of institutional arrangements are in place to coordinate between government agencies and departments to implement the OGP action plan?

The institutional engagement established for coordination between local government bodies and LAP implementation units is the local MFS called “Bar for Bar”.

MSF was formed under an open Public Call due to the need to ensure the quality of the process of preparation for membership in the OGP Local initiative and provides a structure for regular, two-way communication between local government and non-governmental actors

The role of the MSF is aligned with OGP’s Multistakeholder Forum and recommendations from the “Best Practice Brief: Mechanisms for Co-Creation and Monitoring of the Implementation of the OGP Local Action Plan”.

The Bar for Bar Forum has 31 members, 21 of whom are NGO representatives. MSF leads the co-creation process and cooperates with the local monitoring body, which independently evaluates the success of the implementation of the OGP at the local level.

In partnership with the International Republican Institute (IRI), the Municipality of Bar is implementing the Project “Enhancing Capacities and Processes for Good Governance in Montenegro”. IRI seeks to support the Montenegrin authorities to improve their good governance practices in a way that strengthens citizen participation.

What kind of spaces have you used or created to enable the collaboration between government and civil society in the co-creation and implementation of this action plan? Mention both offline and online spaces.

  • The mechanisms that have been created and used to enable cooperation between local government and civil society in the joint creation and implementation of this LAP are primarily reflected in the organization of the OGP bootcamp, in which local CSOs also participated. The purpose of the two-day bootcamp was to prepare public administration officials, together with representatives of civil society, to establish and manage OGP processes. The Bootcamp provided participants with interactive opportunities to share their experiences in strategic planning. Working in small groups, participants identified commitments (priorities for the AP). They also practiced conducting an actor analysis and a public consultation process.
  • MSF role:
    • Conducting preliminary consultations on the Local Action Plan.
    • A review of the comments and suggestions received.
    • Providing feedback to the participants of the consultation.
    • Proposing measures and activities for LAP.
    • Informing the public about the activities and results achieved in the work of the Forum.
    • Participate in a public debate on the draft LAP.
    • Monitoring the implementation of the LAP.
    • Cooperation with the local monitoring body that independently evaluates and evaluates the success of the implementation of the OGP at the local level.
    • Providing recommendations for more successful management of OGP at the local level.

What measures did you take to ensure diversity of representation (including vulnerable or marginalized populations) in these spaces?

In order to ensure the representation of various social groups, including vulnerable or marginalized social groups, we have taken measures that imply the active and continuous participation of organizations dealing with the protection and promotion of the rights of vulnerable groups. The Municipality of Bar mostly cooperates with organizations that represent the interests of vulnerable social groups, while some of them are members of the local MSF. The focus of these organizations is on the socialization and social integration of children and young people with autism and developmental disabilities, and people with visual impairments. Through their contribution, they encourage the implementation of activities that highlight abilities and strengthen their participation in the community.

Who participated in these spaces?

8 groups participated in the process of co-creating the LAP, and a total of 20 meetings were held. Participants in the drafting of this document were:

  • Citizens
  • Civil society organizations
  • A local government unit
  • State institutions (Ministry of Public Administration, Agency for the Prevention of Corruption)
  • Independent agencies (Agency for Personal Data Protection and Free Access to Information)

For the process of co-creating the Local OGP Action Plan, the IRI engaged experts who carried out a detailed analysis of the factual situation and prepared a proposal of measures in the following areas:

  • Anti-corruption,
  • Gender Equality,
  • Digitalization,
  • Environmental Protection,
  • Citizen Participation in Public Policy Making.

Data collection was carried out using a combination of several methods (desk research, questionnaire, in-depth interviews, focus groups), whereby, in addition to the representatives of the Municipality, representatives of local CSOs, state institutions responsible for policies in these areas, and contact persons from the Parliament of Montenegro, i.e. representatives of the relevant committees.

How many groups participated in these spaces?


How many public-facing meetings were held in the co-creation process?


How will government and non-governmental stakeholders continue to collaborate through the implementation of the action plan?

Local government and non-governmental actors will continue to cooperate during the implementation of the LAP. The MSF provides space for cross-sectoral dialogue during the implementation of the LAP, in accordance with the defined role and work methodology, which includes meetings, thematic sessions, workshops, and interviews.

MSF will remain open to all new members who can contribute to the process as beneficiaries or policymakers. The Municipality of Bar regularly shares information about the OGP process on its website. The Municipality of Bar will also work closely with the local monitoring body – NGO UZOR due to the need to exchange information, data, and evidence of the activities carried out.

Please describe the independent Monitoring Body you have identified for this plan.

MSF leads the co-creation process and will work with a local monitoring body that independently evaluates and evaluates the success of the OGP at the local level.

The Association for Responsible and Sustainable Development UZOR will externally monitor the process of co-creation, and implementation of the AP and promote the OGP initiative in Bar. This NGO pays special attention to respecting the values on which the EU integration processes are based, which relate to gender equality and respect for minorities. In its work, UZOR pays special attention to the issues of protection of women, children and youth, minority national communities, persons with disabilities, and persons of different sexual orientations. The vision of this organization is a just and solidarity-based society, based on the synthesis of the principles of sustainable development, innovative practices, and the use of new technologies for the purpose of exercising civil rights and freedoms, achieving equal opportunities, and continuous progress of citizens and the community in which we live. Its mission is to establish an innovative model of approach to sustainable development and to promote and implement activities and solutions whose benefits are reflected in the everyday life of citizens in Montenegro with an impact on the well-being of future generations.

Provide the contact details for the independent monitoring body.

What types of activities will you have in place to discuss progress on commitments with stakeholders?

  • Conducting an initial assessment of the process of joint development of the OGP;
  • Development of detailed and effective plans for the implementation of the obligations contained in the LAP;
  • Monitoring the implementation of these plans;
  • Writing progress reports that monitor the implementation of the LAP;
  • Conducting advocacy campaigns that raise public awareness of the obligations of the LAP and progress in implementation;
  • Observation of the work and sessions of the MSF assessment of the implementation of the principles of good governance in the implementation of the OGP process and the approach to cross-sectoral cooperation at the local level;
  • Assessing the relevance of LAP obligations;
  • Participation in dialogue on OGP at the local and national level, and participation in regional and international OGP events;
  • Collection of evidence and evaluation of the process of achieved participation of non-governmental actors, i.e. joint development of LAP;
  • Organizing an event (workshop) in which all holders of the LAP realization participate. This event reflects on the processes of creating and implementing LAP and identifies challenges and ways of solving them, as well as good practices that can be applied in the coming period.

How will you regularly check in on progress with implementing agencies?

The contact person will be in charge of coordinating activities related to the implementation of the LAP. This role is crucial and multidimensional, this person is most responsible for coordinating the implementation of all activities within the local self-government, but also towards the public and the OGP support unit.

Some of the key responsibilities and activities are:

  • Coordination of the continuous participation of non-governmental organizations and non-governmental actors in the implementation of the LAP;
  • Coordination of local self-government services and other competent institutions in all activities related to the implementation of the LAP;
  • Regular communication and cooperation with the Support Unit of the OGP Local Program;
  • Regular publication of information on the process of joint development, implementation of measures, and achieved results from the Local Action Plan;
  • Participation in learning activities and exchange of good practices with other OGP local members.The local monitoring body will additionally collect evidence from the activity holders and evaluate the results of the fulfilled LAP commitments.

How will you share the results of your monitoring efforts with the public?

The results of the monitoring will be made publicly available through a variety of channels, including:

Endorsement from Non-Governmental Stakeholders

  • Veselin Joketic, President, NGO Organization of the Blind for Bar and Ulcinj
  • Emilija Jukic, Executive director, NGO Shelter for women and children victims of violence LEA Bar
  • Sanja Smolovic, Executive Director, NGO The Parent Power of Bar



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