Africa and the Middle East Regional Meeting
The 2022 OGP Africa and the Middle East Regional Meeting is taking place on November 1-3 in Marrakech, Morocco.
Action Plan 2
Seychelles’ second action plan indicates a growing open government community coalescing around issues of national importance. The action plan includes ambitious reforms to strengthen public participation in constitutional discussions and fisheries governance. The action plan was designed through a short but collaborative co-creation process and benefits from high-level government support. (More)
The 2022 OGP Africa and the Middle East Regional Meeting is taking place on November 1-3 in Marrakech, Morocco.
This year, OGP’s Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) started rolling out the Co-Creation Brief, a new product that shares lessons from past action plans and open government practice to support reformers in co-designing ambitious and feasible commitments.
Help co-create OGP's new strategy. This page is your go-to resource for all the materials you need to host and join conversations and share your views on how OGP can tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow.
Search by keyword. (Example: “IRM REPORT”)
2024, IRM Report, Web page
2024, Report Comments, Web page
2023, Action Plan, Web page
2023, Letter, Web page
2023, Letter, Web page
2022, IRM Report, Web page
2022, Letter, Web page
2022, IRM Report, Web page
2022, IRM Report, Web page
2022, Letter, Web page
2020, IRM Report, Web page
2020, Report Comments, Web page
2019, Action Plan, Web page
2019, Research Product, Web page
2018, Letter, Web page
The data below is drawn from the 2019 OGP Global Report. You can view and learn more about the report here.
This section captures how each OGP member can play a leadership role, based on IRM-based findings and third-party scores. This list does not cover all of open government and OGP members are not required to take any action.
These are recommendations on the role that each OGP member might play in each policy area. The recommendations are derived from a combination of the IRM-based findings and third-party scores.
Reflect the performance of commitments in a particular policy area, as assessed by the IRM.
(NC) No Commitments
(CA) Commitment(s) in the policy area.
(IR) IRM-Reviewed: At least one IRM-assessed commitment.
(C) Was Complete: At least one commitment was substantially or fully completed.
(A) Was Ambitious: At least one commitment with moderate or transformative potential impact.
(ER) Showed Early Results: At least one commitment opened government in a “Major” or “Outstanding” way.
Reflect “real-world” performance, i.e., performance outside of the OGP framework. Scores are comprised of various indicators collected by respected organizations.
IRM-Based Findings
IRM-Based Findings
IRM-Based Findings
IRM-Based Findings
IRM-Based Findings
This year, OGP’s Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) started rolling out the Co-Creation Brief, a new product that shares lessons from past action plans and open government practice to support reformers in co-designing ambitious and feasible commitments.
With the future of the world’s fisheries facing serious threats due to overfishing, Seychelles is the first nation to publish its report in Partnership with the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI). This small island nation is working to protect the future of this sector, upon which its people and economy are massively dependent.
In a milestone for global transparency efforts in marine fisheries management, Seychelles submitted the world’s first report to the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) in mid-April, fulfilling a crucial commitment of its current OGP action plan.
En un hito en los esfuerzos globales de transparencia del manejo de pesquerías marinas, Seychelles entregó el primer informe de todo el mundo a la Iniciativa de Transparencia Pesquera a mediados de abril, cumpliendo con un compromiso de su actual plan de acción de OGP.
With the future of the world‘s fisheries seriously threatened, the Seychelles is leading the way in increasing the credibility and quality of national fisheries information.
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