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Search results for ‘artificial intelligence’

29 results for ‘artificial intelligence’

Commitments 29 results

8 State AI Lab

Set up an open artificial intelligence (AI) lab for the State Lead institution(s): Minister of State for the Digital Sector, attached to the Prime Minister Other stakeholders: Artificial intelligence institute, all ministries New commitment OGP principles with which the commitment…


9 Administrative Capacity-Building

Opening the administration to new skills and supporting the Government’s open innovation initiatives Lead institution(s): Minister of State for the Digital Sector, attached to the Prime Minister Other stakeholders: Ministry of the Interior; Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition;…


4 Open Data and AI Policy

The commitment and measures on open data contribute in particular to the OGP initiatives of transparency and technology & innovation. The measures are in line with the Act on Data Management in Public Administration, data policies and implementation thereof. Open…


5 Public Integrity Systems

According to the Framework Document approved in 2019 by the group of Public Administrations and civil society within the Permanent Commission of the Open Government Forum and the Sectoral Commission of Open Government, the 4th Plan must be oriented towards…


10 Openness on Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms

What problem for the general public does the commitment address? In the future, the public sector will use artificial intelligence to deliver more targeted and user-adapted services, enhance the social benefit of its own activities, rationalise operations and work processes,…


32 Data challenge competitions in the medical field

What is the public problem that the commitment will address? Today health databases are disparate and too small to utilise an artificial intelligence approach. Organising data challenges is an opportunity to collect and centralise relevant health data for research purposes,…

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