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Search results for ‘data portal’

213 results for ‘data portal’

Documents 213 results

End of Commitment Report – Generate open data that is up to date, comparable, accessible and enables the comprehensive analysis of the socio-economic inequality of women and the feminisation of poverty, and ensuring the accessibility and usability of this data

Overview Name of Evaluator Núria Pérez Milán Email Member Name Cataluña (España) Action Plan Title Action plan – Catalonia, Spain, 2021 – 2023 Commitment Generate open data that is up to date, comparable, and accessible and enables the comprehensive…

5th July 2024

End of Commitment Report – Democratize Open Data

Overview Name of Evaluator Open Government Committee Email Member Name Québec, Canada Action Plan Title Action plan – Québec, Canada, 2021 – 2023 Commitment Democratize open data Action “In the general public, open data users fall into two types…

20th November 2023

Transparency and Accountability at the Frontlines of Justice: Police Data Transparency

A lack of transparent or comparable police data inhibits the public and policymakers’ ability to fully understand and address problematic police practices and their consequences. OGP members are increasingly taking the initiative to open police data...

8th July 2020

A Guide to Open Government and the Coronavirus: Open Data

The collection and analysis of population-wide epidemiological data is a critical element of the COVID-19 response. From publishing disease spread statistics to location-tracking apps, governments around the world have engaged in sweeping data collection efforts to inform public health policies. In particular, open data has become key to facilitating...

4th May 2020

Enhancing citizen engagement with open government data

The Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) in 2011 implemented the Full Disclosure Policy which directs local government units (LGUs) to post public finance documents including receipt and utilisation of funds in LGU websites. The objective is to make…

1st January 2015

Case Study (2013): Realizing the Potential of Open Data in Moldova

In April 2011, Moldova became one of the rst countries within Eastern Europe to launch an Open Data portal. The portal, brings together disparate and disconnected datasets published by various Ministries and central administration of CES, under a single…

1st October 2013
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Open Government Partnership