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11 results for ‘data portal’

Members 11 results

São Paulo, Brazil

São Paulo is currently implementing 5 commitments from their 2018-2020 action plan.

Madrid, Spain

Madrid is currently implementing 5 commitments from their 2018-2020 action plan. This action plan features commitments related to anti-corruption, open data/mapping, waste management, access to information, and citizen participation.

La Libertad, Peru

La Libertad is currently implementing 6 commitments from their 2018-2020 action plan. This action plan features commitments related to citizen participation, strengthening civil society, digital literacy, and anemia and malnutrition in children.

Austin, United States

Austin is currently implementing 4 commitments from their 2019-2021 action plan. This action plan features commitments related to green spaces, open contracting, online data neighborhood displacement and open data on police arrests.

Republic of Moldova

The Republic of Moldova’s fifth OGP action plan covers priority areas for the country’s accession to the European Union (EU). It features promising commitments on implementation of the new access to information law and improving public participation in decision-making. Active engagement of the lead agencies and consistent collaboration with civil society will be key to successful implementation.

Slovak Republic

The Slovak Republic’s fifth action plan includes promising commitments on strengthening the protection of whistleblowers and expanding the number of companies disclosing beneficial ownership information. Existing data control mechanisms will need to be well-resourced to cope with the expectation of rapid beneficial ownership data disclosure. The action plan was adopted by the newly created Multi-Stakeholder Forum (MSF) dedicated to the OGP process. The Slovak Republic’s fifth action plan covers six policy areas and builds upon work achieved on whistleblower protection, education for participatory policy-making, open data, capacity-building, public participation in the legislative process, and beneficial ownership transparency.


Albania’s sixth action plan has broadened the range of policy areas and public institutions engaged in the OGP process. The establishment of the Multi-Stakeholder Committee addresses a long-standing IRM recommendation to institutionalize cooperation between the public administration and civil society in the OGP process. As many commitments are awareness-raising activities, institutions could add value by collaborating with civil society and incorporating measurements of their results during implementation.


Greece’s fifth action plan includes promising commitments on lobbying regulation, whistleblower protection and open land administration data. While there were improvements to the co-creation process compared to the previous action plan cycle, the brief timeframe limited the opportunities for civil society organizations (CSOs) to develop the action plan with the government. Greater dialogue between government and civil society during implementation would strengthen the OGP process and help achieve stronger results.

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Open Government Partnership