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20 results for ‘data portal’

Pages 20 results

Courts (Including Detention)

OGP Justice Policy Series Back to Main Feedback from public consultations On 18 February 2020, our team held a public consultation on strengthening access to justice through OGP commitments. Hosted by OGP’s research, analytics, and insight team, the goal was…

Fiscal Openness

On Monday September 24, 2018 we held a public consultation session on how to represent the theme of Fiscal Openness in the State of Open Government Report. (For more background and justification, please see here.) During the session we presented our preliminary ideas and approach to Fiscal Openness and asked for feedback on the best way to frame this topic, what is missing, and if there are other stakeholders we should talk to.

Clean Slate: Introducing Unrestricted Openness

With the spirit of government openness, more solutions were found together by the public and the government, which in turn helped increase public confidence in their interactions with governments Prosperity in a region must come from justice and openness. Bojonegoro,…

Operations Associate

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) was formed in 2011 by governments and civil society organizations seeking new ways of working together to make societies more transparent, accountable, inclusive, and participatory. OGP has grown over its first decade into a global…

OGP Summit For Democracy Resources

  In December 2021, the United States government convened the first Summit for Democracy (S4D), where more than 50 governments – including 43 member countries of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) – made more than 800 commitments to strengthen democracy,…

Investing in Openness: Business Engagement in Open Government Reforms

By Joseph Foti, Paula Pérez, Christina Socci, and Dieter Zinnbauerin collaboration with The B Team Overview The Business Case for Open Government In 2011, reformers—including government ministers, mayors, parliamentarians, justices, journalists, and activists—launched the Open Government Partnership (OGP). Through the…

El Salvador (Withdrawn)

El Salvador Member Since 2011 | Action Plan 5   ON THE PAGE    Action Plan   Contacts   Commitments   Resources   Current Data   Recent Posts  El Salvador is currently  inactive  from OGP pursuant to the Procedural Review. Learn more here. Current Action Plan 2018-2020 Action Plan…

The Skeptic’s Guide to Open Government – 2022 Edition

Evidence continues to show that open government affects people’s lives. But there are still skeptics who are not aware of all the benefits associated with this approach. Use this guide to convince them to take an open government approach when implementing reforms.

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Open Government Partnership