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Search results for ‘artificial intelligence’

29 results for ‘artificial intelligence’

Commitments 29 results

2.1 Preventing Misinformation through Data Sharing

We prevent mis- and disinformation through expertise and reliable information. • Together with OECD countries, we work to improve data sharing and develop the data and analysis base so that mis- and disinformation can be prevented and combated as effectively…


3.2 Launching Open Democracy Network

We will launch an open democracy network • We will launch a new Open democracy network that is open to all interested. • We will link the activities of the State Administration Open Government Network to the Open democracy network.…


3 Strenghtening the Participation Hub

Problem addressed: Public participation in the Italian context, although very broad and diverse at the local scale and in some Regions, has not yet become a fully supported practice by institutional actors. Except for some sectoral regulations and public debate,…


5 Inclusion and Rights in Artificial Intelligence

Probelm addressed: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a societal change agent, producing significant impacts—though not always visible or understood—on our behaviors and forecasting even more substantial future effects that could be both beneficial and highly risky. "The way we interact with…


8 Gender and Intergenerational Awareness Campaign

Probelm addressed: Persistent gender and generational gaps hinder the country's socio-economic development. The number of female graduates exceeds that of males, but female participation in the workforce is the lowest in Europe (EIGE data 2023). This situation leads to a…

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Open Government Partnership