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Search results for ‘data portal’

214 results for ‘data portal’

Commitments 214 results

21 Budget Transparency Information System

Enhancing budget transparency information system; Ministry/Agency: Ministry of Finance (Director General Budget); Indicators of Success 2016: Development of budget data portal based on Presidential Regulation on Detailed State Budget (Rincian APBN); Indicators of Success 2017: 1. A link to budget…


23 Open Data Implementation

Open Data Implementation; Ministry/Agency: Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda), Office of transportation, communications and informatics (Dishubkominfo); Indicators of Success 2016: Data integration of 20 Work Units (SKPD) into Banda Aceh data portal (; Indicators of Success 2017: Data integration of…


26 Increase in Number of Open Data

Increase in the number of open data; Ministry/Agency: Office of Communications and Informatics (Diskominfo); Indicators of Success 2016: Availability of 1,000 documents/data file in the City of Bandung data portal; Indicators of Success 2017: Availability of 1,500 documents/data file in…


49 Strengthening of Data Governance

Strengthening of Data GovernanceMinistry/Agency: Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA); Office of Communications, Informatics and External Relations; Indicators of Success 2016: 1. Availability of 1000 Datasets in the Open Data Portal ( 2. Verified work units (SKPD) data based on the…


50 Public Participation in Development Planning

Public Participation in Development Planning; Ministry/Agency: Regional Government Planning Agency (BAPPEDA); Office of Communications, Informatics, and External Relations; Indicators of Success 2016: 1. Online neighborhood association (RW) level meeting is taking place through electronic development planning meeting (eMusrenbang) at all…


3 Public Service Data

January 2019 - December 2020 Commitment Description Lead implementing agency/actor 1. Ministry of Finance 2. Ministry of Home Affairs This commitment is an expansion of the previous Action Plan 2016-2017 about the enhancement of information disclosure in the government budget.…


7 Election Data Openness

January 2019 - December 2020 Commitment Description Lead implementing agency/actor National Election Commission (NEC) Indonesia is known as one of the biggest democratic countries where everyone has the right to elect their representative and the head of each government level.…


8 Health Service Data

January 2019 - December 2020 Commitment Description Lead implementing agency/actor Ministry of Health The availability data of health facilities (wards, medical personnel, drugs, and other health facilities) in government health facilities such as hospitals and Community Health Centers is still…


11 Develop an Open Data Strategy 2017-2020

To increase the volume and quality of government data being published in an open format. Objective: Improve access to information and strengthen transparency by scaling up the volume and quality of open data available on the Government’s open data portal:…

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