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Search results for ‘artificial intelligence’

82 results for ‘artificial intelligence’

Stories 27 results

Three Ways to Better Govern the Use of AI

OGP and the Government of Kenya convened reformers in government and civil society from 12 countries to discuss ways to govern new and emerging digital technologies. Here are three key conclusions for the governance of AI.

23rd April 2024

Two Years of AskGov: From Civic Tech Tool to Community Impact

“You have a constitutional right to access public information.” I and many others have heard this statement many times. But how does this right actually work in fragile democracies? Let’s delve into the case of Georgia, where in 2022, the…

11th December 2023
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News 6 results

Local Roundup | June 2024

Here’s our monthly roundup of updates from the OGP Local community for June 2024. If you missed any of the previous roundups, you can now find them here! OPEN GOV WEEK HIGHLIGHTS The Mayor of Quezon City (Philippines) discussed initiatives…

14th June 2024

Local Roundup | April 2024

Here’s our monthly roundup of updates from the OGP Local community for April 2024. If you missed any of the previous roundups, you can now find them here! NEW OGP LOCAL MEMBERS 55 new local governments joined OGP Local with…

23rd April 2024

Local Roundup | December 2023

Here’s our monthly roundup of updates from the OGP Local community for December 2023. OPEN GOVERNMENT PROCESSES Madrid, Spain, initiated the co-creation of its fourth OGP Local action plan, forming a diverse group to drive the process and seeking public…

21st December 2023
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Pages 5 results

The Skeptic’s Guide to Open Government – 2022 Edition

Evidence continues to show that open government affects people’s lives. But there are still skeptics who are not aware of all the benefits associated with this approach. Use this guide to convince them to take an open government approach when implementing reforms.

Skeptic’s Guide (2022) – Notes

Notes Introduction Access to Justice Fiscal Openness Open Contracting Social Audits Grievance Redress Mechanisms Civic Space Debt Transparency Algorithmic Transparency Beyond Policies Introduction [1] These reviews of evidence were developed in collaboration with OGP partner organizations: Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just…

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Documents 11 results

Action plan – Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic, 2024 – 2026

Overview At-a-Glance Action Plan: Action plan – Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic, 2024 – 2026 Action Plan Submission: 2024 Action Plan End: August 2026 Lead Institutions: Department of the Participation and Innovation in Open Governance of Municipal Office, Head of Municipal…

29th July 2024

Finland Results Report 2019-2023

Finland’s fourth OGP action plan was the country’s first to span four years (2019—2023). Finland completed most commitments despite the COVID-19 pandemic and shift of national priorities following Russia’s full-scale military invasion of Ukraine. The action plan resulted in the…

21st June 2024

Finland Action Plan Review 2023-2027

Finland’s fifth OGP action plan continues advancing priorities such as civic participation, public service training, and open data. The commitments mostly pursue incremental improvements to government practices. The national dialogues, which Finland started in the previous action plan, could yield…

28th March 2024
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People 4 results

Bobina Zulfa

Bobina is an interdisciplinary Data and Digital Rights researcher at Pollicy. In her work, she currently focuses on researching data governance as well as the development, adoption and deployment of Artificial Intelligence on the African continent and how that particularly…

Shabnam Mojtahedi

Shabnam Mojtahedi is ICNL’s Legal Advisor for Digital Rights, providing technical assistance on how technology impacts civic space, freedom of expression, and privacy online. She works with local, regional, and international coalitions to promote an enabling environment for civil society…

André Renz

André Renz coordinates the city of Hamburg in the planning and implementation phase of OGP Local. In his other projects as a senior consultant in Berlin and as an affiliated researcher at Helmut Schmidt University – University of the Federal…

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Commitments 29 results

7 Independent Review of the Australian Public Service

Engage Australians in the Independent Review of the Australian Public Service Commitment Start and End Date September 2078-June 2079 Lead implementing agency/actor Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Commitment description What is the public problem that the commitment will…


4 Digital Government and Services

Digital government and services Issue to be addressed The Government of Canada is going digital, and that means we need to fundamentally change the way we work. We want our investments in digital government to make Canadians’ lives better, and…


5 Improved Data Policies and Administration

Appoint ministerial data administrators and support the implementation of the “open by default” principle Lead institution(s): Minister of State for the Digital Sector, attached to the Prime Minister Other stakeholders: All ministries Commitment building on: commitment no. 11 Co-produce with…

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Open Government Partnership