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Search results for ‘data portal’

772 results for ‘data portal’

Stories 266 results

Open Data Euskadi: Five Lessons in 12 Years Opening Data

In April 2010, the Government of Euskadi (Basque Country) Spain launched an open data initiative called Open Data Euskadi. It soon became a reference for many public administrations that were beginning to consider opening their data. Since then a lot…

21st February 2023

Six Questions to Protect Your Transparency Portal from “Zombie” Status

Have you ever searched an online government transparency portal only to find that the vital information you hoped to find is not there or that the portal itself has disappeared? If so, you’re not alone. Over the last decade, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) has reviewed countless commitments that promise to deliver a transparency portal as the antidote to a wide range of governance challenges.

27th November 2022
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News 37 results

Local Roundup | February 2024

Here’s our monthly roundup of updates from the OGP Local community for February 2024. NEW OGP LOCAL ACTION PLANS Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas (Ecuador) launched its second OGP action plan, which focuses on fostering environmental stewardship through youth leadership…

20th February 2024

Local Roundup | October 2023

Here’s our monthly roundup of updates from the OGP Local community for October 2023. OPEN GOVERNMENT PROCESSES Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, opened a call for initiatives for their first action plan aimed at strengthening transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in the development of the…

30th October 2023

OGP in the News – March 2018

A weekly round-up of Open Government Partnership (OGP) media coverage around the world. Want to receive OGP in the News directly in your email inbox? Subscribe here. Between updates on upcoming OGP Action Plans in South Korea and Mongolia and…

12th April 2018
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Events 2 results

2022 IRM Week

Explore content co-created with the wider IRM community that spotlights insights on country performance and thematic priorities to ensure strategic use of IRM findings.

Rol de los medios en la promoción de los principios de OGP

Speakers Romina Colman, Productora de Datos, Equipo La Nación Data del periódico La Nación, Argentina Gabriela Bouret, Responsable de Análisis de Bases de Datos dentro del equipo de LNData, Argentina Description Durante la última década, se han producido importantes transformaciones…

Members 11 results


Brazil’s 2021–2023 OGP co-creation process was characterized by robust online participation, which resulted in the inclusion of commitments in new policy areas not addressed in past action plan cycles, such as animal welfare, agricultural value chains, and human rights protection. However, the action plan has an overall limited ambition, affected by COVID-19 restrictions, budget limitations and the agreed recommendation to set the duration of the plan to one year because of the elections that were scheduled in October 2022.


Chile has delivered its 2023-2027 action plan.

Tbilisi, Georgia

Tbilisi is currently implementing 5 commitments from their 2018-2020 action plan. This action plan features commitments related to access to information, open data, public service reform, citizen feedback, citizen participation, budget transparency and participatory budgeting.

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Pages 20 results

What’s in the 2022 Local Action Plans

Introduction The Open Government Partnership (OGP) provides an opportunity for government and civil society reformers to make governments more transparent, inclusive, participatory, and accountable. Working together, government and civil society co-create action plans with concrete commitments across a variety of…

Broken Links

How can open data help shine a light on political corruption and make political systems fairer and more inclusive? How can we further link people and data to create a chain of accountability? Explore our new report.

Collecting Open Government Approaches to COVID-19

Learn More » Analysis: Open Government Approaches to Tackling COVID-19 (May 12, 2020) As many of our countries are facing unprecedented challenges from COVID-19 the strain on our governments is extreme, and the impact on people all over the world…

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Documents 213 results

End of Commitment Report – Standardise SDG-linked datasets and provide high-quality open data for the territory as a whole, thereby facilitating the reuse of said data and boosting its impact

Overview Name of Evaluator Núria Pérez Milán Email Member Name Cataluña (España) Action Plan Title Action plan – Catalonia, Spain, 2021 – 2023 Commitment Standardise SDG-linked datasets and provide high-quality open data for the territory as a whole, thereby…

5th July 2024
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People 9 results

Asa Strong

Asa is a GIS Research Assistant for Global Forest Watch (GFW) within the Food, Forests, and Water Program. Asa is involved in acquiring and preparing geographic data for the GFW platform, and improving the efficiency of data management across the…

Prasetya Dwicahya

Prasetya Dwicahya is currently working as a Research Assistant at The World Bank. He assists Government of Indonesia to implement Open Data Policy, provides workshops for officials and civil society organizations on Open Data Topics, and facilitates the development of…

Satyarupa Shekhar

Satyarupa Shekhar is one of the founding members of the Transparent Cities Network. She heads the Government Outreach and Advisory team at the Citizen consumer and civic Action Group (CAG), where she works to overcome challenges to access to basic…

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Commitments 214 results

1 Open Data Portal

The National Agency for Information Society is establishing a governmental portal in the open data format. This portal initially will include the Ministry of Finance and Department of Treasury data for daily expenses by all central institutions and agencies. The…


18 Launch of the Brazil Open Data Portal

Portal Brasileiro de Dados Abertos: desenvolvimento de ambiente virtual acessado pelo endereço, de maneira a simplificar a pesquisa e o acesso a dados públicos. Esse portal será o ponto de convergência do acesso aos dados do setor público brasileiro…

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Open Government Partnership