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Partnerships and Coalitions

OGP uses partnerships and coalitions to foster action on specific topic areas of interest across its membership.


OGP convenes and participates in different coalitions and thematic groups to advance a range of issues including beneficial ownership transparency, water, and gender. OGP has also signed agreements with key partners to deepen collaboration.

Beneficial Ownership Leadership Group

Convened by Open Ownership and Open Government Partnership, the Beneficial Ownership Leadership Group came together in 2019 to drive the global policy shift towards free, open beneficial ownership data.

Democratic Freedoms Learning Network

The Democratic Freedoms Learning Network is an informal network of government reformers, civil society advocates, and international partners and others committed to reversing the 15-year trend of declining civic space to share learnings on democratic freedoms and civic space.

Gender Coalition

As part of the Break the Roles campaign, this coalition brings together a dedicated group of global leaders on open government and gender equality to help build political momentum behind gender and inclusion within open government practices and commitments.

Open Algorithms Network

OGP convenes an informal network of implementing governments, mobilizing a cross-country coalition of those working on algorithmic accountability.

OGP Coalition on Justice

Over the past few years, justice and promoting transparent, accessible and inclusive justice systems has become an increased focus in the open government community. With this in mind, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) created the OGP Coalition on Justice, a group of OGP members, civil society organizations, and other national and international partners advancing a people-centered approach to justice through their OGP action plans.

Community of Practice on Water and Open Government

In partnership with Fundación Avina, the Open Government Partnership, Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), Water Integrity Network (WIN), and the World Resources Institute (WRI), this group seeks to tackle challenges to the delivery of water and sanitation services through open government approaches.

Community of Practice on Beneficial Ownership Transparency in Latin America

The Beneficial Ownership Community of Practice brings together government officials and civil society organizations from Latin American countries working to advance beneficial ownership transparency through commitments in their OGP action plans.


The Nordic+ is a regional peer exchange caucus where government and civil society meet to identify best open government practices and share their experiences in implementing open government reforms.

Open Governance Network for Europe

The Open Governance Network for Europe is a joint initiative of The Democratic Society and OGP that connects and drives debate, learning, and innovation in open governance to improve democratic participation, transparency, and accountability in the European Union.

OGP Practice Group on Dialogue and Deliberation

Created to foster and support the use of deliberative practices within OGP and by its members, OGP’s Practice Group on Dialogue and Deliberation works with the OGP to offer insights and support in the use of deliberation in the development and implementation of OGP action plans.

Open Government Partnership