Finding the Real Beneficiary
Watch this video case study that highlights early results from the Slovak Republic's public register on beneficial ownership.
The Beneficial Ownership Leadership Group came together in 2019 to drive the global policy shift towards free, open beneficial ownership data. By joining the Beneficial Ownership Leadership Group each country signs up to a set of best practice disclosure principles. Convened by Open Ownership and Open Government Partnership, the group is comprised of Armenia, Kenya, Latvia, Mexico, Nigeria, Norway, the Slovak Republic, and the United Kingdom.
ArmeniaKenyaLatviaUnited Kingdom |
MexicoNigeriaNorwaySlovak Republic
Watch this video case study that highlights early results from the Slovak Republic's public register on beneficial ownership.
Beneficial ownership transparency has emerged as an essential means for combating corruption, stemming illicit financial flows, and fighting tax evasion.
This year’s African Anti-Corruption Day on July 11 will focus on critical actors who can help implement the AUCPCC. This offers a unique opportunity to...
Este año, el Día Africano contra la Corrupción, el 11 de julio, se enfocará en los actores clave que pueden ayudar a implementar la AUCPCC.
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