This tool is part of the report called Broken Links: Open Data to Advance Accountability and Combat Corruption. It visualizes the state of political corruption data in each OGP country and region, based on data from the Global Data Barometer. Use the dropdowns to get started.
This is part of the OGP report, Broken Links: Open Data to Advance Accountability and Combat Corruption. Learn more at:
Highlights from the Analysis
- Data availability: Kenya publishes data online in 2 out of 8 assessed policy areas.
- Legal frameworks: Kenya legally requires data collection in all assessed areas except lobbying. Data publication is not required in any areas.
- OGP Commitments: Kenya has made OGP commitments related to a few assessed policy areas, particularly beneficial ownership.
Overview of Political Corruption Data
This table shows which key data metrics this OGP country meets for each policy area.
OGP Commitment Examples
This section includes examples of OGP commitments relevant to open data on political corruption. “Achievements” indicate significant early results, as assessed by OGP’s Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM).
Beneficial ownership disclosure
Amend legislation to mandate the public disclosure of the true beneficiaries of public sector contracts
Online public procurement system
Implement a digital procurement system that adopts the Open Contracting Data Standard and is interoperable with existing procurement portals
Data Availability By Policy Area
This section shows which datasets are available online and whether they include high-value pieces of information, meet open data standards, and can be linked to other datasets. The information is derived from the Global Data Barometer. See “Sources” for details. Click on “Compare” to compare countries or regions side-by-side.
Online: Data is available from government, or because of government actions.
High-Value Elements (0/5 Met)
Unique IDs: Unique identifiers for public officials and family members who must disclose.
Income: The data contains information on income, assets, and liabilities.
In-kind interests: The data contains information on in-kind and non-financial interests.
Changes: The data contains information on significant changes in assets and liabilities.
Family members: Assets and liabilities held by each family member who must disclose.
Usability Elements (0/5 Met)
Free: Dataset is available free of charge.
Timely: Data is timely and updated.
Machine-readable: Data is provided in machine-readable format(s).
Open license: Data is openly licensed.
Bulk download: The machine-readable dataset is available as a whole.
Interoperability Elements (0/1 Met)
Asset declarations and political finance data use common identifiers for interests, assets, and liabilities
Online: Data is available from government, or because of government actions.
High-Value Elements (0/9 Met)
Revenue streams: Donations, public funding, member dues for each party/candidate.
Income: Data has details of income for each party or candidate.
Assets/liabilities: Data has details of assets and liabilities of each party or candidate.
Spending: Data contains details of the spending of each party or candidate.
In-kind support: In-kind and non-financial support donated to each party or candidate.
Donations: Data has details of timing and amounts of donations linked to donors.
Donor names: Data contains first and last name for each donor.
Donor details: Details about donors, including address, occupation, and employer.
Unique identifiers: Data includes unique identifiers for each donor.
Usability Elements (0/5 Met)
Free: Dataset is available free of charge.
Timely: Data is timely and updated.
Machine-readable: Data is provided in machine-readable format(s).
Open license: Data is openly licensed.
Bulk download: The machine-readable dataset is available as a whole.
Interoperability Elements (0/2 Met)
Political finance data and lobbying data use common identifiers for lobbyist clients and party and campaign donors
Political finance data and asset declarations use common identifiers for interests, assets, and liabilities
Online: Data is available from government, or because of government actions.
High-Value Elements (0/5 Met)
Company identifiers: The dataset contains unique identifiers for each company.
Owner: The dataset contains identifying information for each beneficial owner.
Interests: The dataset contains details of the interests held by each beneficial owner.
Gender: Data includes information about individuals' sex and/or gender.
Standards: The data is published according to one or more relevant data standards.
Usability Elements (0/5 Met)
Free: Dataset is available free of charge.
Timely: Data is timely and updated.
Machine-readable: Data is provided in machine-readable format(s).
Open license: Data is openly licensed.
Bulk download: The machine-readable dataset is available as a whole.
Interoperability Elements (0/1 Met)
The key datasets for the political integrity and company information modules share common identifiers that facilitate mapping flows across the data ecosystem
Online: Data is available from government, or because of government actions.
High-Value Elements (0/12 Met)
Marginalized populations: Information on indigenous or marginalized populations.
Natural persons: The data covers land tenure involving natural persons.
Legal persons: The data covers land tenure involving legal persons.
State land: The data covers land tenure involving state land.
Communal lands: The data covers land tenure involving communal lands.
Open access lands: The data covers land tenure involving open access lands.
Urban and rural: Covers urban and rural tenure, and other relevant forms of tenure.
Concessions: The data covers and has information on land concessions and/or leases.
Geospatial: Each record has geospatial reference assigning features to a spatial extent.
Transactions: The data contains information on land transactions and sale-values.
Rights: Each tenure record has info on rights held over the land (freehold, lease, etc.).
Gender: Data includes information about individuals' sex and/or gender.
Usability Elements (0/5 Met)
Free: Dataset is available free of charge.
Timely: Data is timely and updated.
Machine-readable: Data is provided in machine-readable format(s).
Open license: Data is openly licensed.
Bulk download: The machine-readable dataset is available as a whole.
Interoperability Elements (0/1 Met)
The key datasets for the political integrity and land modules share common identifiers that facilitate mapping flows across the data ecosystem
Online: Data is available from government, or because of government actions.
High-Value Elements (12/14 Met)
Goods and services: Procurement related to goods and services is included.
Public works: Procurement related to public works is included.
Planning: The planning phase is covered.
Tenders: The tender stage is covered.
Awards: The award stage is covered.
Implementation: The contract implementation stage is covered.
Stage identifiers: Identifiers that connect data across each stage of a single process.
Company identifiers: Contains names and unique identifiers for contracting companies.
Dates: The data contains start and end dates for tender processes and/or contracts.
Cost: The data contains the value (cost) of each tender, award, or contract
Spending: Contains, or can be linked to, information on spending against the contract.
Description: Contains a description of the goods, services or works being procured.
Standardized: The data is published according to one or more relevant data standards.
Documentation: The data contains links to tender, award, or contract documentation
Usability Elements (4/5 Met)
Free: Dataset is available free of charge.
Timely: Data is timely and updated.
Machine-readable: Data is provided in machine-readable format(s).
Open license: Data is openly licensed.
Bulk download: The machine-readable dataset is available as a whole.
Interoperability Elements (0/1 Met)
The key datasets for the political integrity and public procurement modules share common identifiers that facilitate mapping flows across the data ecosystem
Online: Data is available from government, or because of government actions.
High-Value Elements (0/7 Met)
Unique identifiers: The data has unique identifiers for each lobbyist and public official.
Clients: The data contains clear identifying information for each lobbying client.
Participants: Details on participants in interactions between lobbyists and public officials.
Goals: The data contains information about lobbyists' goals for lobbying activities.
Meeting times: Dates/times for each interaction between lobbyists and public officials.
Topics: Information about the topic of interactions between lobbyists and public officials.
Expenses: Money spent on each interaction between lobbyists and public officials.
Usability Elements (0/5 Met)
Free: Dataset is available free of charge.
Timely: Data is timely and updated.
Machine-readable: Data is provided in machine-readable format(s).
Open license: Data is openly licensed.
Bulk download: The machine-readable dataset is available as a whole.
Interoperability Elements (0/2 Met)
Lobbying data and political finance data share common identifiers for lobbyist clients and party and campaign donors
Lobbying registers and public consultation data use common identifiers for regulations
Online: Data is available from government, or because of government actions.
High-Value Elements (0/5 Met)
Requests: The data has details on the number of requests submitted and processed.
Delays: Details on how long it took relevant government agencies to fill requests.
Redactions: Details about material withheld and the reasons for withholding it.
Appeals: The dataset has details about appeals to RTI determinations and their results.
Relevant entity: Data is linked to the relevant government agency, department, or entity.
Usability Elements (0/5 Met)
Free: Dataset is available free of charge.
Timely: Data is timely and updated.
Machine-readable: Data is provided in machine-readable format(s).
Open license: Data is openly licensed.
Bulk download: The machine-readable dataset is available as a whole.
Online: Data is available from government, or because of government actions.
High-Value Elements (0/5 Met)
Proposed regulations: The data includes proposed regulations.
Public comments: Full set of public comments made at public consultation processes.
Supporting information: Examples include notices of intent and reasoned responses.
Final regulations: The data includes final regulations and justifications.
Challenges: Details of challenges to regulations passed through consultation processes.
Usability Elements (0/5 Met)
Free: Dataset is available free of charge.
Timely: Data is timely and updated.
Machine-readable: Data is provided in machine-readable format(s).
Open license: Data is openly licensed.
Bulk download: The machine-readable dataset is available as a whole.
Interoperability Elements (0/1 Met)
Public consultation data and lobbying registers use common identifiers for regulations

About the Data
See About Broken Links for details about the analysis. All of the underlying data from the Global Data Barometer is available for download here. Data about OGP commitments is available here. For questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact