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Chief Executive Officer, Open Government Partnership

September 3, 2024


Dear potential candidate,

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about the Open Government Partnership. I hope this information pack gives you some understanding and excitement about our mission and journey – as well as our hopes and expectations for our next CEO.

We are now seeking an exceptional new leader who is passionate to serve and shape the future of the open government movement.

The Open Government Partnership is in a place of strength and opportunity as an organization and network. We have committed funding partners, and we are currently in a strong financial position. Our global team, leadership, and partners support government policy and public service innovations to tackle the most pressing issues of our time. In the past year, we have begun implementing an ambitious strategic plan for the next five years shaped by the open government community.

The Open Government Partnership is uniquely positioned to play a key role advancing open government around the world by: 

  • Enabling co-created and actionable commitments between governments and civil society leaders that positively impact our societies.
  • Providing independent, evidence-based reporting to hold our members accountable and support their open government efforts.
  • Expanding a movement of reformers in government and civil society, fostering community building, and providing an empowering platform for open government collaborations and continuous learning.

We are thrilled to welcome a new CEO to guide us through our next phase of growth amidst a challenging global context marked by systemic threats to democracy. 

This role demands a strategic, inspiring partnership-builder who understands the global landscape and can deliver a hopeful, visionary, yet pragmatic approach to advance the open government movement.

On behalf of the Board and Steering Committee, our team, and our many partners, I would like to thank you for your interest in this exciting opportunity to lead the Open Government Partnership.


Maria Baron, Chair of the Board
On behalf of the Board and Steering Committee


About the Open Government Partnership

The Open Government Partnership (“OGP”) was formed in 2011 by governments and civil society organizations seeking new ways of working together to address complex challenges. The founding idea was that more collaboration between governments, civil society, and citizens, better sharing of innovations globally, and a focus on implementing specific and measurable open government actions would help governments work for all, not just the most powerful. 

The evidence is clear: when civil society is involved in designing and implementing OGP action plans, commitments are more ambitious, are better implemented, produce more changes in government practices, and result in better outcomes for people. 

OGP’s active membership includes 75 countries and 150 local governments representing over two billion people and thousands of civil society organizations. With an annual budget of around $12m, we seek to work strategically to focus on the areas and actions where our team and network of external consultants can make the most difference.  

CEO Job Description

The Chief Executive Officer leads the Open Government Partnership and its Support Unit.  The CEO ensures alignment between our strategic objectives and operational execution.

The CEO inspires OGP forward, expanding reach, deepening impact, and fostering innovation. They are responsible for overall external representation to increase high-level political support for the effectiveness of open government and to offer OGP’s help serving policymakers, empowering civil society, leveraging international networks, and showcasing the success of open governance. 

The CEO plays a critical role in the organization’s fundraising.  They credibly open doors and cultivate meaningful relationships with key global and regional partners to expand and deepen OGP’s work.

The CEO partners with the Steering Committee to agree OGP’s high-level political engagement strategy.

The CEO will lead high-level dialogues and nurture relationships with diverse stakeholders, including government and civil society leaders, funders, partners, the Steering Committee, the OGP Board, and our devoted staff team to deliver open governments’ effective service to citizens worldwide.

The CEO’s authority to lead OGP and serve the open government movement fundamentally depends on their trustworthy character and integrity of convictions. The CEO will be a dynamic leader who has credibility with government and civil society communities.

Leadership Values and Characteristics

  • A commitment to transparency, accountability, and inclusiveness.
  • A leader who cares deeply about the OGP mission and is living out this conviction by supporting governments and civil society partners in real reforms that promote good governance. 
  • A warm relational person who is empathetic, an active listener, humble, respectful, wise, trustworthy, and authentic. They will be an engaging communicator passionate about purposefully connecting people and ideas. The CEO will be excited to celebrate the government reformers and the civil society leaders with whom we are privileged to work.
  • A team-builder, non-hierarchical and respectful of different roles and expertise within OGP; able to lead by supporting others to bring their best selves to our mission, which includes the courage to challenge constructively.
  • A culture-builder, someone who personally exhibits OGP’s values and ensures these values shape the way OGP operates.
  • A leader who embraces and celebrates the rich diversity that is at the heart of OGP and enables us to support a broad and complex community. A maximizer of partnerships and a movement builder who encourages others, invites wide and diverse engagement, and can foster ambitious achievements through co-creative and collaborative processes.

Key Responsibilities

Global Influence and Advocacy

  • Inspires open government commitments through representation at international fora and through evidence-based advocacy for open government with policymakers. Our CEO will balance authority and service-orientation as they engage with political leaders – at all levels of government – to encourage their commitment to open government reform and to offer them OGP’s support in pragmatic ways.
  • Strategically positions OGP, raises financial and political support for the open government field, and keeps open government and OGP relevant at the cutting edge of international affairs, donor priorities, and the global political agenda.  
  • Utilizes a variety of media platforms, from traditional news outlets to social media, and engages in key global events to raise the profile of open government and OGP.
  • Creates opportunities, cultivates relationships, and shapes alliances with global and regional leaders who can accelerate and leverage the ambition and implementation of open government reforms.
  • Provides visionary thought leadership to inspire, equip, and grow the global open government community.

Strategic Development and Growth

  • Oversees the successful implementation of the 2023-2028 OGP strategy, guiding OGP through challenging external contexts and then leading the development of the next strategy.
  • Helps the OGP team focus on the key priorities that will maximize the impact of our service to our expanding membership network.
  • Creates opportunities and develops strong funding partnerships to implement the fundraising strategy that targets various funding sources, including international donors and private foundations.
  • Ensures our financial and human resources enable delivery of our strategic objectives.

Leadership and Organizational Culture

  • Works closely with OGP’s Board and Steering Committee – and builds strong personal relationships with its members – to collectively set the overall strategic direction of the partnership.
  • Models and applies a participatory leadership style that fosters innovation and accountability among the Senior Leadership Team. Inspires and motivates the whole OGP team. 
  • Mobilizes the collective power of the Steering Committee in support of OGP’s strategic goals. 
  • Champions a culture of excellence and continuous improvement that aligns with organizational values and mission.
  • Leverages the Senior Leadership Team and Board and welcomes the exercise of complementary skills. 


  • Has the track record, gravitas, and sophistication to engage with high-level civil society and political leaders – including at the highest political level. 
  • Proven ability to engage stakeholders beyond the organization’s internal operations, influencing broader industry or sector-wide initiatives.
  • Experience delivering keynotes and panel contributions at major international conferences or engaging with global media.
  • Demonstrated ability to secure funding at scale and forge alliances to advance organizational goals. 
  • Experience leading initiatives that involve government, private sector, and NGOs. 
  • Experience working in diverse cultural contexts and leading geographically dispersed teams, preferably where OGP is active.
  • A leader of stature and recognized authority in global development, democracy, and open government communities. Someone who is deeply respected for their contributions to the field, independence of thought, integrity of character, and standing in international policy.

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

  • Passion and belief in open government at large and the role of civil society in good governance.
  • Ability to build trust and confidence with funders, OGP Steering Committee, OGP Board, political leaders, and civil society leaders.
  • Demonstrable ability to inspire teams and encourage innovation to achieve ambitious goals.
  • Proven ability to engage and elevate local, national, and international open government communities. 
  • Capable of earning the trust and respect of senior leaders and be able to inspire and engage with them as peers.
  • Have an engaging external presence, be a persuasive and inspiring speaker, and leverage their deep convictions to credibly promote open government and OGP. 
  • Demonstrable ability to deliver results and measurable impact in collaborative environments.

Terms and Conditions

This role is full-time, with an initial duration of four years and an option to extend up to eight years. The role will involve significant travel (as agreed with the Board as a strategic use of time, climate impact, and resources). The role will preferably be based in Washington DC, London, or Brussels, but other home bases could be considered. 

OGP subscribes to and participates in periodic surveys of industry standards for both salary and conditions of employment to ascertain prevailing practices. OGP’s total compensation package is determined based on location, the position’s requirements, and the individual’s experience and qualifications. The compensation package range for this role is between   $275,000 and $315,000 USD. This includes comprehensive benefits and additional support for relocation if needed.

How to Apply

The closing deadline for applications is 12 pm ET on October 4th, 2024. 

OGP’s CEO recruitment process is being supported by Macaulay Search. Interested candidates are directed to email their application to 

Your application should include:

  • A CV, sharing relevant positions, responsibilities held, and relevant achievements
  • A covering note, ideally not more than 2 pages, outlining your motivation to apply for the role and how your experience partnering in open government innovations has prepared you for this role.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an online interview on either October 23rd or 24th. A smaller number of applicants will be invited to a final interview in Brussels on November 14th and 15th for which costs will be covered. During the in-person interview applicants will be asked to present a forward-looking and innovative vision aligned with OGP’s strategic goals.

Many thanks again for your consideration of this role and interest in the work of Open Government Partnership.

Download the CEO Packet »

Open Government Partnership