1. Publish the Number of Carats of Diamond Exported and Accompanying Kimberly Process Certificates

    CI0001, 2016, Capacity Building

  2. Release All Tax and Customs Regulations

    CI0003, 2016, Fiscal Openness

  3. Release the Communications to the Councils of Ministers on the Quarterly Implementation of the Budget

    CI0004, 2016, Fiscal Openness

  4. Publish Communications to the Council of Ministers on Contracting Process on a Quarterly Basis

    CI0005, 2016, Anti Corruption and Integrity

  5. Promote Participatory Budget in 05 Communes

    CI0014, 2016, Capacity Building

  6. Citizen Budget

    CI0016, 2018, Capacity Building

  7. Local Participation

    CI0021, 2018, Capacity Building

  8. Publish budget information online regarding purchase of contraceptive products

    CI0034, 2020, Fiscal Openness

  9. Publication of Mid-Year Budget Performance Report

    CI0037, 2022, Fiscal Openness

  10. Strengthening Local Open Government capacity

    CI0047, 2024, Capacity Building

  11. Publishing the the environmental impact of the State budget

    CI0049, 2024, Capacity Building