1. Balanced Scorecard Presidential (BSCP)

    DO0001, 2012, Public Participation

  2. National Statistics System

    DO0003, 2012, Public Participation

  3. Fiscal Transparency Project in the Municipalities

    DO0004, 2012, Fiscal Openness

  4. Transactional Portal Procurement and Contracting

    DO0005, 2012, Anti Corruption and Integrity

  5. Law Anti-Corruption Participatory Initiative

    DO0006, 2012, Anti Corruption and Integrity

  6. Redesigning and Strengthening of Ethics Commissions

    DO0007, 2012, Anti Corruption and Integrity

  7. Monitoring Role in Local Governments

    DO0008, 2012, Public Participation

  8. Management System of Public Servants (SASP) at the Local Level

    DO0009, 2012, Public Participation

  9. Virtual School Transparency in Dominican Republic

    DO0010, 2012, Capacity Building

  10. Legal Framework, Administrative Procedures and Window Systems

    DO0011, 2012, Public Participation

  11. Tools for Public Participation in Rulemaking

    DO0012, 2012, Democratizing Decision-Making

  12. Experience and Contribute to Strengthening the Chamber of Accounts in the Social Control in the Dominican Republic, by Developing a Pilot Exercise Involving Civil and Community Organizations as Well as Government Agencies.

    DO0013, 2012, Anti Corruption and Integrity

  13. Institutional Evaluation System Transparency

    DO0016, 2012, Public Participation

  14. Statistics of Complaints and Denunciations

    DO0018, 2012, Public Participation

  15. Awareness Transparency and Free Access to Public Information

    DO0021, 2012, Access to Information

  16. Standardized Guidelines for Access to Information

    DO0023, 2012, Access to Information

  17. Implementing a Social Audit System to the Institutions Responsible for External Control of the State

    DO0024, 2012, Anti Corruption and Integrity

  18. Continue Development of Participative Anticorruption Mechanism (IPAC) Initiative.

    DO0029, 2014, Public Participation

  19. Open Ayuntamiento System.

    DO0030, 2014, Fiscal Openness

  20. Access to Environmental Information.

    DO0034, 2014, Environment and Climate

  21. Municipal Open Data

    DO0036, 2016, Access to Information

  22. Municipal Transparency

    DO0037, 2016, Access to Information

  23. Public Procurement Processes Municipal Publication

    DO0038, 2016, Access to Information

  24. Citizens Budget

    DO0040, 2016, Access to Information

  25. Evaluation and Monitoring the Sub-Portals Transparency

    DO0041, 2016, Access to Information

  26. Culture of Transparency

    DO0043, 2016, Access to Information

  27. Troubleshooting Reports on Water Issues

    DO0044, 2016, Public Participation

  28. Consumer Complaints and Denunciations

    DO0045, 2016, Public Participation

  29. Portal Citizen Participation (IPAC)

    DO0046, 2016, Anti Corruption and Integrity

  30. Establishment of Integrity, Transparency and Accountability Instruments at the Municipal Level

    DO0049, 2018, Anti Corruption and Integrity

  31. Strengthening Youth Councils to Promote Transparency

    DO0051, 2018, Anti Corruption and Integrity

  32. 6- Citizen Observatory to Monitor Open Government Commitments

    DO0052, 2018, Democratizing Decision-Making

  33. Reporting Tool, Monitoring and Research (DIS)

    DO0053, 2018, Democratizing Decision-Making

  34. National Action Plan for Open Data

    DO0054, 2022, Access to Information

  35. Public Services Monitoring and Evaluation System

    DO0059, 2022, Capacity Building

  36. Unified System of Territorial Demands

    DO0061, 2022, Democratizing Decision-Making

  37. Platform for the Registration and Monitoring of Special Waste

    DO0063, 2022, Capacity Building

  38. AI tool for access to information

    DO0064, 2024, Access to Information

  39. Plataforma virtual al Ciclo Presupuestario Nacional

    DO0067, 2024, Digital Transformation

  40. Monitoreo de la Deforestación

    DO0068, 2024, Digital Transformation

  41. Plataforma Digital de Denuncias de jueces y servidores judiciales

    DO0072, 2024, Capacity Building

  42. Datos Abiertos para una Justicia Transparente

    DO0073, 2024, Access to Information