1. Launch Ichange.Ge and Data.Gov.Ge

    GE0005, 2012, Public Participation

  2. Platform for Participating in the Legislative Process

    GE0006, 2012, Democratizing Decision-Making

  3. NGO Forum

    GE0012, 2012, Capacity Building

  4. "Voice of the Consumer"

    GE0013, 2014, Public Participation

  5. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Draft

    GE0020, 2014, Access to Information

  6. Georgia's OGP Forum

    GE0021, 2014, Public Participation

  7. I-Change.Ge

    GE0022, 2014, Public Participation

  8. Transparency of Public Service Recruitment

    GE0023, 2014, Labor

  9. Accessibility of Ministry of Interior's Webpage to People with Special Needs

    GE0026, 2014, Inclusion

  10. Public Awareness of the Electoral Process

    GE0028, 2014, Capacity Building

  11. Transparency of Budgetary Processes

    GE0029, 2014, Fiscal Openness

  12. Openness and Accessibility of National Archives

    GE0033, 2014, Public Participation

  13. Development of Community Centers in Georgia

    GE0040, 2014, Local Commitments

  14. Launch of the Unified Healthcare System Information Portal

    GE0043, 2016, Capacity Building

  15. Creation of Innovation Ecosystem

    GE0046, 2016, Capacity Building

  16. Development of the Freedom of Information Law

    GE0048, 2016, Access to Information

  17. Development of a Monitoring and Assessment System of the Government Policy and Legislative Acts

    GE0049, 2016, Capacity Building

  18. Development of Transparency and Integrity Strategy and Action Plan in the Field of Regional Development and Infrastructure

    GE0052, 2016, Anti Corruption and Integrity

  19. Starred commitment Increasing Citizen Participation in Supervision of Public Finances (Public Audit)

    GE0055, 2016, Anti Corruption and Integrity

  20. Starred commitment Adoption of the Environmental Assessment Code

    GE0057, 2016, Capacity Building

  21. Introduction of a Mobile App as an Alternative Channel to Connect to “112”

    GE0058, 2016, Public Participation

  22. Development of Local Councils for Crime Prevention

    GE0059, 2016, Justice

  23. Introduction of an Electronic Petition Portal and “Zugdidi-INFO” on the Webpage of Zugdidi Municipality Assembly

    GE0063, 2016, Capacity Building

  24. Transparency of Ozurgeti Municipality Assembly Meetings

    GE0064, 2016, Capacity Building

  25. Creation of Electronic Mechanism for Local Budget Planning in Kutaisi, Ozurgeti, Batumi and Akhaltsikhe

    GE0065, 2016, Fiscal Openness

  26. Improved Public Services

    GE0066, 2018, Capacity Building

  27. Citizen Engagement Platform

    GE0067, 2018, Capacity Building

  28. Economic Governance

    GE0069, 2018, Democratizing Decision-Making

  29. Environment Portal

    GE0070, 2018, Environment and Climate

  30. Strengthen Anti-Corruption Institutions

    GE0071, 2018, Anti Corruption and Integrity

  31. Citizen Engagement Legislation

    GE0073, 2018, Democratizing Decision-Making

  32. Citizen Participation in Public Finance

    GE0076, 2018, Anti Corruption and Integrity

  33. Transparent Public Funding System

    GE0077, 2018, Democratizing Decision-Making

  34. Housing Policy Planning

    GE0079, 2018, Economic Inclusion

  35. Transparency and Good Governance

    GE0081, 2018, Anti Corruption and Integrity

  36. Open Data Collection and Publication

    GE0082, 2018, Access to Information

  37. Participatory Budgeting

    GE0084, 2018, Capacity Building

  38. Your Idea for the Zugdidi Mayor

    GE0085, 2018, Anti Corruption and Integrity

  39. Electronic Services

    GE0086, 2018, Fiscal Openness

  40. I. Gov. Zugdidi

    GE0087, 2018, Capacity Building

  41. Service and Citizen Satisfaction Assessment

    GE0088, 2018, Capacity Building

  42. Promoting and Monitoring SDGs

    GE0089, 2018, Democratizing Decision-Making

  43. Citizen Involvement in Budget

    GE0090, 2018, Democratizing Decision-Making

  44. Technology for Transparency

    GE0091, 2018, Anti Corruption and Integrity

  45. Citizen Engagement Center

    GE0092, 2018, Capacity Building

  46. Raising Public Awareness About Parliamentary Democracy

    GE0093, 2018, Democratizing Decision-Making

  47. Transparency in the Extractives Sector

    GE0097, 2023, Energy