1. Open Budget Initiative

    LR0002, 2013, Fiscal Openness

  2. Extractive Industries Transparency

    LR0003, 2013, Anti Corruption and Integrity

  3. Expand Open Budget Initiative

    LR0009, 2015, Access to Information

  4. Facilitate Tracking of EVD Funds

    LR0014, 2015, Access to Information

  5. Public Expenditure Management Systems

    LR0024, 2015, Capacity Building

  6. Legislative Monitoring Database

    LR0027, 2017, Democratizing Decision-Making

  7. Publication of Budget Documents

    LR0028, 2017, Anti Corruption and Integrity

  8. Transparency in the Land Authority

    LR0033, 2017, Democratizing Decision-Making

  9. Accountability and Value for Money Through Open Contracting

    LR0034, 2017, Access to Information

  10. Publish budget information online

    LR0038, 2020, Aid

  11. Train health professionals and open health data

    LR0042, 2020, Access to Information

  12. Enhance compliance and transparency in tax system

    LR0044, 2020, Fiscal Openness

  13. Publication of Budget Documents

    LR0056, 2024, Fiscal Openness