1. ENER online Participatory Tool in Legislation Drafting

    MK0001, 2012, Democratizing Decision-Making

  2. Www.E-Demokratija.Gov.Mk - on Line Tool for Participatory Policy Making

    MK0002, 2012, Democratizing Decision-Making

  3. Introduction of Online Petitions

    MK0003, 2012, Democratizing Decision-Making

  4. Enhancement of the ENER Portal and Optimization of the Process of Public Consultation

    MK0036, 2014, Anti Corruption and Integrity

  5. Strengthening the Rules for Work and Use of ENER

    MK0038, 2014, Democratizing Decision-Making

  6. Publication of the Results of Using ENER - " Mirror of the Government "

    MK0039, 2014, Democratizing Decision-Making

  7. Monitoring of Openness of Government Institutions in the Processes of Policy Making and Law Drafting "Mirror of the Government: Public Participation in the Process of Law Drafting" Annual Report – Assessment Of:

    MK0040, 2014, Democratizing Decision-Making

  8. Capacity Building of Civil Society Organizations to Monitor the Implementation of Policies

    MK0041, 2014, Capacity Building

  9. Greater Public Awareness and Use of Participatory Policy Making Through the Internet Portal e-Democracy by the Institutions, Companies, Chambers, Civil Society and Citizens

    MK0043, 2014, Democratizing Decision-Making

  10. Improved Implementation of the Code of Good Practice for the Participation of Civil Society in the Policy Making Process

    MK0045, 2014, Capacity Building

  11. Advancement of the Consultation Process with Stakeholders in the Policy Creating Process

    MK0087, 2016, Democratizing Decision-Making

  12. Assessment of Anti-Corruption Legislation

    MK0125, 2018, Anti Corruption and Integrity

  13. Citizen oversight of legislative processes

    MK0143, 2018, Democratizing Decision-Making

  14. Proactive Disclosure of Public Information

    MK0145, 2021, Access to Information

  15. Protection against Workplace Harassment

    MK0159, 2021, Capacity Building

  16. Online Monitoring of Legislative Processes

    MK0172, 2021, Democratizing Decision-Making

  17. Improving Public Consultations at the National Level

    MK0189, 2024, Democratizing Decision-Making