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Case Studies and Stories

Fatou Jagne

Faces of Open Government: Fatou Jagne Senghore

Fatou Jagne Senghore is the Director for Article 19, West Africa. As the open government community observed Open Gov Week and World Press Freedom Day this month, Fatou reflects on...

Caregiver hands

How Mexico Can Strengthen Public Care Services to Reduce Gender Inequality

This blog is part of a series from students of the Institut de Sciences Politiques de Paris who interviewed reformers working on initiatives recognized by the OGP Leaders Network. Read the series here.  Despite Mexico being a leader of transformative gender equality, it remains ranked…

Poder Judicial Buenos Aires

JusLab: Making Open Justice Accessible to All in Buenos Aires, Argentina

In Buenos Aires, Argentina, an open justice initiative called JusLab aims to address the global lack of judicial transparency with a local, city-level approach.

OGP Local IRM Blog – Unsplash

Closer to the People: OGP Local Results

See the progress OGP Local members have made over the years and explore lessons learned as we head into a new season of co-creation.

whistleblower protection campaign poster

Ensuring Better Transparency: How Latvia is Working to Protect Whistleblowers

Within the backdrop of creating more open communities, the issue of enlisting regular citizens to speak up and denounce misconduct in the public and private sectors has progressively increased...

Open Government Partnership