Case Studies and Stories

A Political Trojan’s Horse: How Agora’s Hack Allowed Citizens to Directly Shape Legislation
How citizens of the city of Brussels, Blegium creatively leveraged institutional shortcomings to create a new space for political expression free from the usual partisan logics.

Mining through an Open Government Lens
Gobierno abierto en clave minera
In recent years, the open government agenda has taken on increasing relevance in mining public policy based on the implementation of reforms, regulations, and tools focused on transparency and participatory dialogue...
En los últimos años la agenda de gobierno abierto ha tomado una creciente relevancia en la política pública minera a partir de la implementación de reformas, normativas y herramientas centradas en la transparencia del sector y el diálogo participativo. Argentina…

Faces of Open Government: Liia Hänni
Rostros de Gobierno Abierto: Isabel Moya Pérez
In this month's Faces of Open Government feature, meet Liia Hänni, a trailblazer in open government and e-democracy.
La Semana de Gobierno Abierto (OGW por sus siglas en inglés) se celebra en mayo de cada año para reunir a los gobiernos y la sociedad civil y encontrar soluciones a los problemas más apremiantes que enfrentan las comunidades a…

Open Gov Guide
The Open Gov Guide is the go-to resource for officials, civil society representatives, and other actors looking for recommendations, examples, and resources on open government.

Faces of Open Government: Cielo Magno
Rostros de Gobierno Abierto: Isabel Moya Pérez
In this month’s issue of Faces of Open Government, Cielo D. Magno, Undersecretary for the Department of Finance’s Fiscal Policy and Monitoring Group, shares her insights on how openness can uniquely impact the extractives industry, women, and government.
La Semana de Gobierno Abierto (OGW por sus siglas en inglés) se celebra en mayo de cada año para reunir a los gobiernos y la sociedad civil y encontrar soluciones a los problemas más apremiantes que enfrentan las comunidades a…

Estonia’s Journey of Open Government Reforms
This September, Estonia will host the 8th OGP Global Summit. Explore Estonia’s development through six action plans, and how the government has been able to institutionalize co-creation, public participation, transparency and openness at the local level.

Open government and Québec’s digital government transformation
Le gouvernement ouvert et la transformation numérique gouvernementale du Québec
The open government community is more active than ever in Québec, Canada! This effervescence is the fruit of many years of efforts to establish a legal framework for open government, form partnerships with civil society, and implement appropriate technological solutions.
La communauté du gouvernement ouvert est plus active que jamais au Québec, Canada! Cette effervescence est le fruit de plusieurs années d'efforts pour établir un cadre juridique pour le gouvernement ouvert, former des partenariats avec la société civile et mettre en place des solutions technologiques appropriées.