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Case Studies and Stories

OGP Europe Regional-16272

Faces of Open Government: Oleksandr Yarema

Meet Oleksandr Yarema, the State Secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers and co-chair of the OGP Coordination Council in Ukraine. We sat down with Oleksandr on the sidelines of the OGP Europe Regional Meeting to learn about his efforts over the years to promote civil society and public participation in decision-making, ensure access to public information, and, more recently, aid the reconstruction efforts in Ukraine.


Ingredients for Extractives Sector Reform

Over the last decade, OGP members have made 159 commitments to make the governance of gas, oil, and mineral extraction more open to the public. Extractive sector reforms are notoriously politically and financially fraught. Yet these commitments achieve stronger early…

Ouiame el M

Faces of Open Government: Ouiame El Moustamide

Ouiame el Moustamide sat down with us to share her insights on the progress Morocco has made so far in OGP and what she hopes the Regional Meeting can accomplish for the open government community in Africa and the Middle East.

Regional Meeting webcard 221006-03

​A Decade of Open Government Reforms in Italy

Italy joined the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in September 2011. The third largest country in the European Union (EU) by population and economy, Italy had one of the highest rates of corruption perception in the EU, while its access to…

Open Government Partnership