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Data and Visualizations

voting in an election

Charting the Course to Strengthen Political Integrity

This analysis was originally published on the Global Data Barometer website here. Governments should serve citizens rather than the other way around. This concept is at the heart of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), an international initiative that brings together more than…

Vital Signs Banner for Web 2

OGP Vital Signs – 10 Years of Data in Review

As we reflect on the first 10 years of OGP and plan ahead for the next decade, we look back on data from nearly 200 OGP action plans and assess whether the platform is working as intended.


2021 IRM Week Infographics

To contribute to reflections on the 10 year anniversary of OGP and leading up to the 7th OGP Global Summit hosted by the Republic of Korea, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) is sharing four key learning from recent findings of…

Open Government Partnership