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Evidence of OGP Results

Argentina Blog 2

Rethinking Public Policies from a Gender Perspective

Learn about Argentina's efforts to integrate gender and diversity perspectives into Argentina’s fourth open government national action plan as a tool for mainstreaming into future open government commitments.


Ingredients for Extractives Sector Reform

Over the last decade, OGP members have made 159 commitments to make the governance of gas, oil, and mineral extraction more open to the public. Extractive sector reforms are notoriously politically and financially fraught. Yet these commitments achieve stronger early…

Regional Meeting webcard 221006-03

​A Decade of Open Government Reforms in Italy

Italy joined the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in September 2011. The third largest country in the European Union (EU) by population and economy, Italy had one of the highest rates of corruption perception in the EU, while its access to…

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Broken Links

How can open data help shine a light on political corruption and make political systems fairer and more inclusive? How can we further link people and data to create a chain of accountability? Explore our new report.


Towards More Inclusive Policy Creation: How Buenos Aires Engaged the LGBTQIA+ Community

In the past, the City of Buenos Aires had very few opportunities to work on public policies concerning the LGBTQIA+ community from an open government perspective. Through an OGP commitment, my team, the Undersecretariat for Open Government and Accountability, is…


Guía para escépticos del gobierno abierto – Edición de 2022

Introducción La evidencia continúa demostrando que el gobierno abierto tiene impactos en la vida de las personas. Pero aún hay personas escépticas que no conocen los beneficios de este enfoque. ¿Te cuesta trabajo convencer a la gente para que aplique…

Open Government Partnership