Stand Up for Democracy: Lessons from Estonia
In this episode, Taimar Peterkop shares the history of Estonia's resilience against authoritarianism and its plan to drive open government initiatives at the OGP Global Summit.
In this episode, Taimar Peterkop shares the history of Estonia's resilience against authoritarianism and its plan to drive open government initiatives at the OGP Global Summit.
In this episode, Felipe Pino, an environmental lawyer from Chile, shares his insight environmental democracy, the need for public participation in responding to climate crises, and the significance of the Escazu Agreement.
For Faces of Open Government, we sit down with two members of The Open Government Leadership Collaborative. See insights on their new year goals in open gov, and how the cohort has helped strengthen their leadership capacities.
Para "Las caras del gobierno abierto", nos sentamos con dos miembros de la Open Government Leadership Collaborative. Descubra sus objetivos para el nuevo año en materia de gobierno abierto y cómo la cohorte les ha ayudado a desarrollar su capacidad de liderazgo.
Pour les visages du gouvernement ouvert, nous nous sommes assis avec deux membres de l'Open Government Leadership Collaborative. Découvrez leurs objectifs pour la nouvelle année en matière de gouvernement ouvert et comment la cohorte a contribué à renforcer leurs capacités de leadership.
In this episode, Helena Suárez Val shares her journey of recording victims of gender-based violence and how data can change public perception.
In this episode, Andrej Leontiev walks us through his experience as an anti-corruption lawyer and the movement for beneficial ownership transparency reform in Slovakia and globally.
Meet Oleksandr Yarema, the State Secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers and co-chair of the OGP Coordination Council in Ukraine. We sat down with Oleksandr on the sidelines of the OGP Europe Regional Meeting to learn about his efforts over the years to promote civil society and public participation in decision-making, ensure access to public information, and, more recently, aid the reconstruction efforts in Ukraine.
Esta publicación fue producida con el apoyo financiero de la Unión Europea. Su contenido es responsabilidad exclusiva de Open Government Partnership y no refleja necesariamente las opiniones de la Unión Europea. Conoce a Oleksandr Yarema, secretario de estado del Gabinete…
Anabel reflects on her experience working with civil society and Latin America globally, and her vision for the partnership's next decade.
Anabel reflexiona sobre su experiencia de trabajo con la sociedad civil y América Latina a nivel mundial, y su visión de la próxima década de la asociación.
In this episode, Aruna Roy tells us how she contributed to passing the Right to Information Act in India and why her fight isn't over.
In this episode, Khadija Ismayilova shares how her reporting on government corruption led to blackmail, intrusive surveillance, and unjust imprisonment and how we can create spaces for journalists to hold power to account without fear of retaliation.
Ouiame el Moustamide sat down with us to share her insights on the progress Morocco has made so far in OGP and what she hopes the Regional Meeting can accomplish for the open government community in Africa and the Middle East.
Este año, OGP y el Gobierno del Reino de Marruecos cooganzarán la Reunión Regional de OGP para África y el Medio Oriente del 1 al 3 de noviembre de 2022. El evento se enfocará en la mejora de los servicios…
Ouiame el Moustamide, chef de la division des études et coordinatrice de l'équipe PGO Maroc au sein du Ministère de la Transition Numérique et de la Réforme de l’Administration, s'est entretenue avec le PGO...
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