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IRM Reports

Guatemala Design Report 2018-2020

El desarrollo del cuarto plan de acción de Guatemala fue liderado por la Mesa Técnica de Gobierno Abierto e incluyó esfuerzos por asegurar una amplia participación ciudadana. La participación de la sociedad civil se vio afectada por diferencias generadas por…

Mongolia Design Report 2019-2021

The development of Mongolia’s third action plan took place in a context of a government transition resulting in significant shortcomings in the co-creation process. The action plan is largely aligned with national priorities with commitments in new policy areas such…

Indonesia Action Plan Review 2020-2022

This product consists of an IRM review of Indonesia’s 2020–2022 action plan. The action plan is made up of 24 commitments that the IRM has filtered and clustered into 14. This review analyzes the strength of the action plan to…

Côte d’Ivoire Hybrid Report 2018-2020

Côte d'Ivoire's second action plan was designed through an improved, collaborative process with civil society. The commitments responded to citizens' demands and national development priorities. The Technical Committee and civil society platform's monitoring led to high levels of commitment completion.…

Malta Transitional Results Report 2018-2020

The Open Government Partnership is a global partnership that brings together government reformers and civil society leaders to create action plans that make governments more inclusive, responsive, and accountable. Action plan commitments may build on existing efforts, identify new steps…

Netherlands Transitional Results Report 2018-2020

The Open Government Partnership is a global partnership that brings together government reformers and civil society leaders to create action plans that make governments more inclusive, responsive, and accountable. Action plan commitments may build on existing efforts, identify new steps…

Romania Action Plan Review 2020-2022 – For Public Comment

In 2021, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Action Plan Review for Romania's fifth action plan. The report provides a technical review of the action plan’s characteristics and the strengths and challenges the IRM identifies to inform a stronger…

Open Government Partnership