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IRM Reports

Nigeria Implementation Report 2017-2019 – For Public Comment

In 2021, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the implementation report for Nigeria's first action plan. The report covers action plan implementation and early results. In Nigeria, the IRM researcher Ann Iyonu findings are summarized below: Nigeria’s first action plan…

Sweden Design Report 2019-2021

Sweden’s fourth action plan includes commitments on creating a national open data action plan, publishing priority datasets, and supporting data-driven innovation and uptake. Most of the commitments fall under the scope of work of the Agency for Digital Government, and…

Greece Design Report 2019-2021

Greece’s fourth action plan focuses only on publishing open datasets from a variety of government ministries and agencies. The development of the action plan, which coincided with the challenging pre-election environment, provided limited opportunities for civil society and public engagement…

Liberia Implementation Report 2017-2019

Liberia’s 2017–2019 action plan was implemented within a challenging context of political transition and economic turmoil. The majority of commitments did not result in open government reforms. However, Liberia made notable progress in citizens’ access to information and dispute resolution…

Republic of Korea Design Report 2018-2020

Republic of Korea's fourth action plan includes a diverse range of commitments, with particular focus on open data, access to information, and citizen engagement. While the Open Government Forum Korea played a pivotal role in developing the action plan, there…

Kenya Design Report 2018-2020 – For Public Comment

In 2020, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the design report for Kenya’s third action plan. The report covers the action plan development process and the design of commitments. In Kenya, the IRM researcher Linda Oduor-Noah's findings are summarized below:…

Seychelles Design Report 2019-2021

Seychelles’ successful co-creation of its first national action plan represents an admirable step towards developing a national strategy for open government. To continue this momentum, the Seychelles should aim to formalize OGP processes, broaden the co-creation process to include more…

Open Government Partnership